Unit E syllabus Flashcards
22nd Amendment:
This rule says a President can only be elected twice. It’s like saying you can only have two turns at a game so everyone has a fair chance to play.
24th Amendme
bans poll tax
26th Amendment
This one lowered the voting age from 21 to 18
20th Amendment
This changed the dates when new Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Congress members start their jobs
15th Amendment
equal protection of voting rights for colored people
19th amendment
women’s right to vote
why is letter from a birmingham jail significant to the ap gov curriculum?
demonstrates how the 14th amendment of the constitution inspired and motivated social movements
who is letter from a birmingham jail a response to?
white clergyman who told african american activists to wait for change as white people worked through the court system. criticized the “disruptive’ non violent protest of African Americans, saying that they were ineffective
“justice too long delayed is justice denied.
how does dr king justify the effectiveness of protest?
noviolent direct action creates tension that forces factions who don’t want to get involved to confront the issue so that it cannot be ignored.
“freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor, it must be demanded by the oppressed”
how does letter from a birmingham jail connect to freedom/justice vs order
in order for social movements to achieve justice/ freedom, they must disrupt order.
-dr. king criticized the white moderate for prioritizing order over justice
who wrote Federalist 78?
alexander hamilton
what is the general theme of federalist 78?
arguest for ho w nad how long judges will be appointed and what kind of power the judicial branch will have
According to Federalist 78, what were the courts designed as?
an intermediary between the people nad the legislature. THis is because it declares laws that are contrary to the constitution null and void, before they reach the people.
- a check on the legislature
what are 501(c) groups?+singifcance
501(c) groups are non-profit groups that are not subject to donation limitations for campaigns and can accept anonymous donations. these include charities, social welfare groups, and business leagues
why are open primaries important?
the allow you to cast a vote regardless of party affiliation. for example, suppose you are registered as a republican in a primary, but are really interested in the democratic candidate. In that case, you can show up on election day and ask for the democratic ballot.
what is the 15th amendment?
garunteed equal voting rights for colored people
what did the 19th amendment establish?
equal voting rights for women?
what is hard money ap gov and what are they the same as ?
political contributions that are given directly to candidates or parties and are regulated by federal law. These contributions have strict limits on how much individuals and organizations can donate.
what is collective action and what does it often include?
efforts of a group working together to achieve a common goal. May include lobbying, grassroots organization, and other interest group/social movement tactics
what is a collective good and why are they significant?
something that benefits all members of a society whereth or not they personally contributed to its creation
leads to free riders
what is hyperpluralism and what does it lead to?
theory that a political system is overwhelmed by too many interest groups competing for power, leading to a fragmented government that struggles to act decisively.