Unit B Excel Flashcards
complex formula
one that uses more than 1 arithmetic operator
standard order of precedence
use these rules in doing complex formulas
predefined worksheet formulas that enable you to perform complex calculations - use insert function button Fx
auto complete feature
suggests functions depending on the first letter you type - displays list in alphabetical order
to copy and move cells use
cut, copy and past, and fill handles
office clipboard
temporary storage area that holds the selections you copy or cut
relative cell reference
changes the cell as you copy and paste them to new locations
absolute cell reference
formulas the do not change when copied
mixed cell reference
part of the formula changes when copied and part does not
fill button list arrow
can be used to fill cells containing formulas going left, right, up down and in series
round function
rounds your result - to eliminate many decimals
item on ribbon that opens a dialog box
fill handle
lets you copy cell contents or continue a series of date into a range of selected cells
converts a relative cell reference to an absolute cell reference
To enter a function
insert function. Button, use sum list arrow or use autocomplete