Unit B - Chapter 7 - Nursing Process Flashcards
nursing process
critical thinking process
consists of five steps
purposeful, goal‐directed, systematic way - achieve optimal client outcomes
nursing helps nurses organize
nursing care and apply the optimal available evidence to care delivery
nursing process is a framework that is
foundational to nursing practice
which nurses can apply knowledge, experience, judgment, and skills, as well as established standards of nursing practice to the formulation of a plan of nursing care
nursing process is applicable to any
client system, including individuals, families, groups, and communities
nursing process helps nurses integrate
critical thinking creatively to base nursing judgments on reason.
nursing process promotes
professionalism of nursing
while differentiating the practice of nursing from the practice of medicine and that of other healthcare professionals.
The nursing process includes sequential but overlapping steps: (5)
● Assessment/data collection*
● Analysis/data collection*
● Planning
● Implementation
● Evaluation
The accuracy and thoroughness of assessment/analysis/data collection and planning have a direct effect on .
implementation and evaluation.
Use of the nursing process results in a
client‐centered plan of nursing care
deliver in a timely and reasonable manner
Assessment/data collection involves
systematic collection of information about clients’ present health statuses
identify needs and additional data to collect based on findings.
Nurses can collect data during
an initial assessment (baseline data), focused assessment, and ongoing assessments.
Methods of data collection include
interviews with clients and families,
medical history,
comprehensive or focused physical examination,
diagnostic and laboratory reports, and
collaboration with other members of the health care team.
To collect data effectively, nurses must
ask clients appropriate questions,
listen carefully to responses,
have excellent head-to-toe physical assessment skills.
Nurses also must employ clinical judgment and critical thinking in accurately recognizing when to
collect assessment data.
must recognize need to collect assessment data prior to interventions.
Nurses collect __________ data (manifestations) during
a nursing history.
They include
clients’ feelings, perceptions, and descriptions of health status.
_________ are the only ones who can describe and verify their
own manifestations.
Nurses observe and measure __________ data (findings) during a physical examination. 
Nurses feel, see, hear, and smell objective data through _________ or ________ of the client.
observation or physical assessment
During this assessment/data collection, the nurse________,_______, and_________ data.
Validates, interprets clusters
Documentation of the assessment data must be (3)
thorough, concise, and accurate.
Sources of data for collection and assessment
Primary sources
Secondary sources
Types of Primary sources

SUBJECTIVE: What the client tells the nurse
“My shoulder is really, really sore.”
OBJECTIVE: Data the nurse obtains through observation and examination:
Client grimaces when attempting to brush their hair with their left arm.
Types of Secondary sources
● What others tell the nurse
What the client has told them:
“They told me that their shoulder is sore every morning.”
Data the nurse collects from other sources (family, friends, caregivers, health care professionals, literature review, medical records):
Physical therapy note in chart indicates client has decreased range of motion of left shoulder.
Nurses use ___________ to
identify clients’ health statuses or problem(s),
interpret or monitor the collected database,
reach an appropriate nursing judgment about health status and coping mechanisms, and
provide direction for nursing care.
critical thinking skills (a diagnostic reasoning process)
critical thinking skills
a diagnostic reasoning process
Analysis/data collection requires nurses to look at the data and
◯ Recognize patterns or trends.
◯ Compare the data with expected standards or reference ranges.
◯ Arrive at conclusions to guide nursing care.
As nurses cluster collected data, a specific finding might serve as
an alert to a specific problem that requires planning and intervention.
As with the assessment/data collection step, complete and accurate documentation is essential. Documentation should focus on
facts and should be highly descriptive
When planning client care (RN) or contributing to
a client’s plan of care (PN), nurses must establish
priorities and optimal outcomes of care they can readily measure and evaluate.
Established priorities and outcomes of client care then direct nurses in 
selecting interventions toinclude in a plan of care to promote, maintain, or restore health