Unit 9: Hazardous Environments Flashcards
Divergent plate margins
Volcanic activity
Convergent plate margins
Volcanic activity
Transform plate margins
Later sliding
No effect of topography
No volcanic activity
General pattern of earthquakes and volcanoes
Generally follows a linear pattern along tectonic plate boundaries. Earthquakes are common at destructive (convergent), constructive (divergent) and transform boundaries. Volcanoes are concentrated along destructive and constructive boundaries. There are anomalies such as intraplate earthquakes and volcanic hotspots where activity occurs way from plate boundaries due to stresses within the plate or mantle plumes. These highlight the relationship between tectonic processes and surface features
Earthquake concentration along plate boundaries
Most earthquakes occur along tectonic plate boundaries where significant geological activity takes place
Destructive/convergent boundaries for earthquakes
Strong earthquakes are common at destructive boundaries where an oceanic plate subducts beneath a continental plate or another oceanic plate
Constructive/divergent boundaries for earthquakes
Earthquakes at constructive boundaries where plates move apart are less powerful and occur at mid ocean ridges
Transform boundaries for earthquakes
Frequent and sometimes severe earthquakes occur where plates slide past one another
Intraplate earthquakes
Only a small number of earthquakes occur caused by stresses within the plate
Subduction zones and deep earthquakes
The deepest and strongest earthquakes occur at subduction zones where one plate is forced deep into the mantle
Global distribution of volcanoes
Most are located along tectonic plate boundaries
Destructive/convergent boundaries for volcanoes
Common at destructive boundaries where an oceanic plate subducts beneath a continental or another oceanic plate
Constructive/divergent boundaries for volcanoes
Also form where plates move apart creating fissures for magma to rise
Hotspots and intraplate volcanoes
Some volcanoes form away from plate boundaries over mantle hotpots where plumes of magma rise through the crust
Subduction zones are explosive eruptions
Volcanoes at subduction zones often produce explosive eruptions due to magmas high viscosity and gas content forming steep sided stratovolcanoes
Shield volcanoes at divergent boundaries and hotspots
Divergent boundaries and hotspots often create broad shield volcanoes which have gentle slopes and less explosive eruptions
Tsunamis location
Occur mainly in tectonically active regions especially around subduction zones where one plate sinks beneath another. 90% of tsunamis have been in the Pacific. Underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or landslides can displace large volumes of water generating powerful waves
How are island arcs formed
Formed at convergent plate boundaries where two tectonic plates collide and one plate (usually oceanic) is forced beneath the other through subduction. As the subducting plate sinks into the mantle it melts due to high temperatures and pressures creating magma. This magma rises to the surface through cracks in overriding plates forming a chain of volcanic islands. Over time these emerge above the oceans surface creating an arc shaped chain. As the plate descend into the mantle it bends and creates a curvature resulting in a bow-shaped chain of volcanoes
Where are island arcs found
Usually in oceans along subduction zones at convergent boundaries between two oceanic plates or between an oceanic or continental plate
What do island arcs look like
Typically form a curved or arc like shape. Often made up of volcanoes some of which are active giving them a rugged, mountainous appearance. Due to volcanic soil many are covered in dense, tropical vegetation. Near the concave side of the arc there is a deep ocean trench where the subduction occurs
How are hot sports formed
The earths core heats the surrounding mantle causing it to be less dense and rise in a column. As this plume reaches the base of the lithosphere the heat causes partial melting of the overlying rock creating magma. The magma rises through weaknesses in the crust and erupts on the surface forming volcanoes. As the plate moves over the stationary hotspot over time a chain of volcanic islands is formed. Often forms broad shield volcanoes. Do not form at plate boundaries but within tectonic plates
Where are hot spots found
Can be found in the middle of tectonic plates rather than along boundaries. They can occur in oceanic and continental settings
What do hot spots look like
Often form isolated chains of volcanic islands. These are typically shield volcanoes which have gentle slopes and wide bases. The islands get progressively older as they move away from the current active volcanoes. As the islands erode and sink over time some of the them become underwater mountains (seamounts)
How are mid-ocean ridges formed
Form at divergent plate boundaries where two tectonic plates are moving apart. As the plates separate, magma from the mantle rises through the gap creating new oceanic crust. This is sea floor spreading. This magma cools and solidifies at the ridge forming undersea volcanic mountains. Over time this pushes plates further apart expanding the basin
Where are mid-ocean ridges found
Located on the ocean floor where tectonic plates are diverging. They are the longest mountain ranges in the world
What do mid-ocean ridges look like
They are vast, submarine mountain ranges that can extend thousands of kilometres. At the centre of the ridge there is a deep rift valley where the plates are pulling apart. The ridge is a site of frequent volcanic activity as magma rises. Can be home to hydrothermal vents where superheated water and minerals spew from the ocean floor
Tsunamis (primary earthquake hazard)
Large waves generated by underwater earthquakes affecting coastal areas with flooding
Aftershocks (primary earthquake hazard)
Small tremors following the main earthquake causing further damage
Ground shaking (primary earthquake hazard)
The most immediate and widespread effect causing buildings to collapse and triggering landslides
Surface rupture (primary earthquake hazard)
Displacement along the fault line that can crack roads, railways, pipelines and buildings
Liquefaction (primary earthquake hazard)
Occurs when saturated soil temporarily loses its strength and behaves like a liquid causing sinking structures
Economic disruption (secondary earthquake hazard)
Long term effects from the destruction of businesses, transportation and infrastructure
Health crises (secondary earthquake hazard)
Broken sanitation systems and facility damage can cause disease outbreaks and strain healthcare systems
Flooding (secondary earthquake hazard)
Can occur from dam failure, broken water mains or blocked rivers due to landslides or debris
Fires (secondary earthquake hazard)
Damage to gas lines and electrical infrastructure can lead to fires
Social displacement (secondary earthquake hazard)
People may be forced to flee creating refugee crises
Landslides and rockfalls (secondary earthquake hazard)
Triggered by ground shaking or destabilisation of slopes leading to property and infrastructure destruction
A series of seismic vibrations or shock waves which originate from the focus
The point at which the plates release the tension or compression suddenly
The point on the earths surface directly above the focus
The study of earthquakes and seismic waves that move through and around the earth. Seismologists study earthquakes and seismic waves
Seismic waves
The waves of energy caused by the sudden breaking of rock within the earth or an explosion. They are the energy that travels through the earth recorded on seismographs
Shallow vs deep focus
Earthquakes are classified as shallow, intermediate or deep depending on the location of the focus. Shallow focus earthquakes are the most damaging
Focus depth
Shallow = 0-70km
Intermediate = 70-350km
Deep = 350-670km
Intermediate and deep focus earthquakes occur only in subduction zones where cool rocks extend to great depths
Why do earthquakes happen?
Most are casued by the movement of tectonic plates
Reactivation of old fault lines that have been inactive for a long time
Subsidence as a result of deep mining
Pressure on surface rocks from water in large reservoirs
Underground disposal of liquid wastes
Underground nuclear testing and explosions
Mining and fracking
Increased crustal loading
Primary waves
The fastest moving type of wave and the first detected by seismographs. They are longitudinal and pus and pull the ground in the direction the wave is travelling, causing little damage. Can travel through solids and liquids
Secondary waves
Travel slower than P waves in the same direction but shake the ground perpendicular to the direction of wave travel. More dangerous because have a greater amplitude and produce vertical and horizontal motion of the ground surface. Can travel through solids not liquids
Surface waves
Are the slowest waves travelling along the surface of the earth made up of love and rayleigh waves
Love waves
Move back and forth horizontally and cause a lot of damage but can only travel through solids
Rayleigh waves
Cause vertical and horizontal ground motion. Can be the most destructive as they cause the ground to rise and fall as they roll past. Can travel through liquids and solids
Richter scale
Measures the magnitude of an earthquake showing the amount of energy released. It is a logarithmic scale so each whole number increase represents a 10x increase in amplitude and 32x more energy released. Developed in 1935 by Charles Richter used for smaller, local earthqyakes
Moment magnitude scale
A modern system used to measure the size of earthquakes. Considered more accurate than the Richter scale especially for large or distant events. It calculates the earthquakes moment which considers the area of the fault that slipped, the distance it moved and the rigidity of the earths crust measuring the total energy released. Is a logarithmic scale. Works consistently for earthquakes of all sizes and distances. Used for more precise and consistent comparisons worldwide
Mercalli scale
Measures the intensity of an earthquake based on its effects on people, buildings and the environment. Uses Roman numerals I to XII where I represents a tremor that is barely felt and XII shows total destruction. It is subjective as it depends on human observations rather than scientific instruments
Tectonics and the global distribution of earthquakes affecting their impact
Most earthquakes do coincide with major plate margins. A number of earthquakes occur away from plate margins. Certain margins have a greater density of earthquakes. Earthquakes form a narrower spread at some plate margins. Those at destructive margins have a greater spread and affect more than constructive. Those places closer to destructive or transform margins are more at risk. Pressure builds at plate margins which when released causes an earthquake. A greater pressure builds at destructive and transform margins
Causes of mid plate earthquakes
Referred stress release where stress built at a margin is relieved along a mid plate fault
Reservoir construction where increased weight and pre pressure reactivates faults
Water or oil abstraction altering underground pressures
Mining subsidence
Earthquake magnitude and depth affecting their impacts
The stronger the earthquake the more serious its effects except magnitude alone is not responsible for the scale of a disaster. Shallow focus earthquakes cause a greater intensity of surface shaking and the greatest effects. Shallow earthquakes are associated with destructive margins where the subducting plate descends at an angle so stresses near the surface
Nature of bedrock affecting earthquake impacts
Some materials are vulnerable to liquefaction causing building foundations to become unstable and slopes vulnerable to mass movement
Population density affecting earthquake impacts
There is a large overlap between major earthquake zones and high population density. These conurbations are especially vulnerable due to densely packed buildings and raised freeways. 10% of the population are in earthquake zones
Building and structural vulnerability affecting earthquake impacts
Most suffering results from building and structure collapse. In wealthy areas building materials and appropriate designs can minimise deaths but older properties remain vulnerable despite regulations. In poorer areas building design is inadequate and regulations are rarely enforced. In areas with rare earthquakes, precautions are limited so suffering is greater
Extent of earthquake preparedness affecting their impacts
In wealthy areas with common earthquakes much is done to prepare. There are drills and people are informed. Emergency services and supplies are ready to cope with the aftermath. Preparation can reduce the scale of a disaster but could fail to live up to expectations. Poor countries are less prepared due to a lack of money to invest and earthquakes are perceived as infrequent problems when facing struggles of survival
Levels of development affecting earthquake impacts
A poor country with less rigorous building standards and an inability to cope with the aftermath will suffer a greater loss of life, homelessness and livelihood. Richer MEDCs suffer less human loss but greater financial loss as insurance companies and governments fund re building programmes and compensation
What is a tsunami?
A wave or series of waves generated by a sudden displacement of water. They have long wavelengths of up to 100km and there can be up to an hour between waves. They can travel up to 800km/h across the ocean over many thousands of kilometres
Causes of tsunamis
There needs to be a vertical displacement of a body of water in the ocean. This is most commonly associated with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions especially along destructive plate margins where two plates are moving towards each other causing great build up of pressure. They can also be generated by underwater landslides, explosions and cosmic body impacts
What happens as a tsunami approaches land?
Friction with a shallowing seabed slows the wave and causes it to rise and gain in height. Variations in offshore profiles and the configuration of the coastline will significantly affect the height of the wave. The highest tsunamis are due to a narrowing of the coast. Wave refraction will also affect a tsunamis orientation and height
Effects of tsunamis
Waves tear apart homes and businesses
Materials and possessions are buried in mud
Fishing vessels are swept onshore
Diseases can spread rapidly due to a lack of safe water and sanitation
Lack of food and shelter
Fishing communities have no boats and communities dependent on tourists are deserted
Mental effects of deaths of family
Behavioural responses to tsunamis
There can be several hours between an earthquake and a wave reaching land so people have time to respond by moving to safer ground. With increased technology and the use of satellites and computer modelling warnings can be issued. An increased understanding of wave mechanics enables scientists to be precise about the scale of waves. Public awareness and education are important. Local authorities need to have plans for the immediate aftermath such as with stores of emergency supplies and considering compromised transportation
Structural responses to tsunamis
The cost of building seawalls along an entire coastline would be prohibitive and would have a significant impact on coastal systems. Tsunamis being relative rare in any one place makes this impractical
Tsunami warning systems
Advisory: an earthquake has occurred which might generate a tsunami
Watch: a tsunami has been generated but it is over 2 hours from the area. Local officials should prepare for possible evacuation
Warning: a generated tsunami could cause damage so people are strongly advised to evacuate
Factors determining tsunami destructiveness
Wave energy
Shape of coastline
Relief of coastline
Presence of natural defences
Lack of experience
Lack of or inadequate warning systems and evacuation plans
Types of volcanoes
Shield: large, broad slopes, fluid lava flow
Composite: steep and symmetrical, explosive eruptions
Lava domes: small with steep sides, oozes viscous lava
Cinder cones: smallest, single vent, erupts cinders, ash and rocks
Types of lava
Decreasing mobility so increasing explosivity
Aa and pahoehoe lava flows
Aa lava flows have a rough and jagged surface while pahoehoe flows are smooth, ropy or billowy in texture. Aa flows are typically slower due to higher viscosity whereas pahoehoe flows are faster and more fluid due to lower viscosity. Aa forms when lava cools and solidifies quickly, breaking into fragments as it moves. Pahoehoe forms lava that remains hot and slows smoothly. Pahoehoe is hotter with a higher gas content making it more fluid. Aa is cooler and has less gas contributing to thicker behaviour
Iceland eruptions
Characterised by persistent fissure eruption. Large quantities of basaltic lava build up vast horizontal planes
Hawaiian eruptions
Involve more noticeable central activity. Runny, basaltic lava travels down the sides. Gases escape easily. Occasional pyroclastic activity occurs but is less important
Strombolian eruptions
Characterised by frequent gas explosions blasting fragments of runny lava into the air to form cones. Very explosive with lots of pyroclastic rock. Marked by a white cloud of steam from the crater
Vulcanian eruptions
Violent gas explosions blast plugs of sticky or cooled lava. Fragments build up into cones of ash and pumice. Occur when there is very viscous lava that solidifies rapidly after an explosion. Clears blocked vents and spew volcanic ash in atmopshere
Vesuvian eruptions
Characterised by powerful blasts of gas pushing ash clouds to the sky. More violent with lava flows. Ash falls to cover surrounding areas
Plinian eruptions
Gas rushes up through sticky lava and blasts ash fragments into the sky in an explosion. Violent eruptions create large gas clouds and thick volcanic debris. Gas clouds and lava can rush down slopes. Part of the volcano may be blasted away in the eruption
Active volcanoes
A volcano that is currently erupting, has erupted recently or is likely to erupt in the near future
Dormant volcanoes
A volcano that is not currently erupting but has erupted in the past and may erupt again in the future
Extinct volcanoes
A volcano that is unlikely to erupt again because it has no more magma supply
Primary impacts of volcanoes
Pyroclastic flows
Lava flows
Volcanic gases
Secondary impacts of volcanoes
Volcanic landslides
Climate change
Solid material ejected from the crater. Vary from large volcanic bombs to fine ash particles
Volcanic bombs
Volcanoes can blast rock fragments and cooling lava bombs at high speed. The blasts and bombs can destroy buildings and kill plants and animals. The bombs do not travel very far but are deadly in the blast zone
Ash from the volcano can travel long distances in the air and falls over a wide area