Unit 9 - Economic Implication Of Energy And Development Flashcards
Subsidies for fossil and RE
Fossil fuels: 544 US Billion (other figures are 775B or 2trillion IMF)
RE: 101 US Billion (20% of total)
80% of fossil fuel subsidies are in developing countries:
- oil based products
- Natural gas
- Coal
Investment needed to achieve universal energy access and by whom?
1 US$ trillion by 2030 of which 640b USD for electricity
- multilateral
- Development Country Governments
- private sector
3 delivery models
On grid
Mini grid
Off grid
What are carbon markets mechanisms:
- CDM - offsetting mechanism
- ETS - cap and trade mechanism
- JI
A ETS problem
Grand-fathering - protective governments negotiate emission caps that are far higher than needed with their national industries.
Solution to increase prices in the carbon market
Back-loading - take up to 900 million carbon allowances out of the EU ETS.
GCF history
Discussed at COP15 Copenhagen (2009)
Formalized at COP16 Cancun (2010)
Launched at COP17 Durban (2011)
2010-2012 30b Fast Track funding for poor countries the actual was however only 12b
By 2020 100b annually
WB Energy funds
CIF - Climate Investment Fund
- Clean Technology Fund CTF
- Strategic Climate Fund SCF
CTF = demonstration, deployment, transfer of low carbon technologies for mitigation in the power sector, the transsport sector and EE.
SCF = pilot projects and TT in the field of RE, forestry and climate resilience.
SREP - Scaling Up RE Programme 250m for LDCs
Stern conclusions on cost to stabilize and cost when no mitigation takes place
Un-mitigated CC could cost between 5-20% of global GDP annually due to the effects of CC
Stabalizing global emissions at 550ppm CO2eq could cost about 1% of gloabl GDP annually by 2050
Stern damage costs per CO2 and mitigation costs
85USD per additional tCO2eq (damage costs)
25USD per reduced tCO2eq
Critics to the Stern report
- The low discount rate - he does not value the welfare of current generations differently than of future generations.
- Adaptation strategies were not taken into account.
2009 investment in modern energy services and who provided the funds?
9 billion USD
30% multilaterals
30% domestic governments
20% private sector
15% bilateral funding
Investment necessary in universal energy access:
1 trillion USD or 48 billion per year (5x as much as in 2009 invested)
Of which 64% is necessary to get universal access to electricity
640 billion USD. Of which a lot is necessary for SSA, followed by India.
6x annual investment necessary to provide access to how many people (per year)
On-grid. 11 bUSD/year. 20m people/year
Minigrid. 12. 19
Off-grid. 7.4. 10
LPG. 0.9. 55
Biogas 1.8. 15
Advanced biomass stoves 0.8. 59
What is SREP?
Scaling Up RE Programme for LDCs
250m USD, OECD donors
Scale up deployment of RE, encouraging energy access (particularly electricity) mainstream RE in national energy provision.
Including small scale solutions, AVG cap
Urban and Nordensvard (2013) indicate that the greatest barriers to RE development in poor countries are:
- Lack of access to capital
- Need to engage the private sector to increase invesments in RE
- A lack of affordability of current technologies
- Weak enabling environments