unit 9 Flashcards
The ___ star is extremely luminous and emits a lot of energy in a short amount of time.
when infinite gravitation and density walls bunched together at one point, it is a phenomenon called____.
in a(n) ____, electrons are cramped and can’t circulate freely.
white dwarf
If _____ Exists, it constitutes 90% of all existence.
Dark matter
When their fuel source runs out, Quasers become _____.
Ordinary galaxies
A(n) ____ stretches across the entire cosmos in chains and sheets of clusters that are linked by gravity at their edges.
A(n) __ shift occurs when a light source, such as a star pr quasar, reduces from an observer at a significant percentage of light speed.
_____ ____ are in a state of existence where physical laws do not apply and they are mysteries because they are unobservable from the outside
Black holes
Shrinkage to the point where electrons merge with protons and there is no empty space are characteristics of A(n) ___.
Neutron star
All _____ are powered by _____ falling into black holes.
Active galaxies, Matter
As extreme conditions in the cores of dying stars alter ordinary matter it forms _____.
degenerate matter.
____ are detected by ____ when nuclei are broken apart.
Siingularties, X-rays
The greater an object’s distance, the greater the ___ speed.
Light from A(N) _____ comes from its exceptionally bright nucleus within which large amounts of very ionized gas surges
Seyfert galaxy
Unexpectedly high rotation speeds indicate that regions that contain longer orbits enclose more ____.
Our local group is moving towards a supercluster known as the _____.
Great attractor
_______ Occur(s) when electrons from ionized matter spiral around magnetic lines of force that surround a black line.
Synchroton radiation
______ is the act of growing by being added to>
____ is a spiral shaped ___ moving through the galactic disk
Density wave, Disturbance
Dust must be considered when estimating ___ in space.
Spiral galaxies are classified by what?
The degree of openness of the arms and the size of the nuclei
what is it called when the universe is seen as an orderly system?
The void between chains and clusters are called
what reveals itself with the presence of very hot, rapidly moving, low-density gas in the galaxy’s halo?
Dark Matter
Most molecules by nature are ____ without a pattern.