unit 7 Flashcards
what type of star is the sun since it is above average size?
The spectroscope was invented by ______
Joseph Von Fraunhofer
The measurement of the total energy output of a star is called ______
Absolute magnitude
fluids at rest are called
Hydrostatic Equilibrium
___ Marks the end of a blue star’s life.
After a star explodes, neutron stars and black holes are forms of ___.
degenerate matter
Because their electrons cannot get any closer, ____ do not get any smaller.
White dwarfs
____ Plotted the absolute magnitude of stars against their spectral classes.
Henry Russell
When the absolute magnitude of stars are plotted against their ___, that chart is called the _____.
Temperatures, H-R diagram
______ Begins and ends with the same element.
carbon cycle
To keep helium from colleting within their cores, ____ used convection
Red dwarf
___ spin rapidly because they are governed by the spin rate of their original star because of how small it has become.
A ___ leaves the main sequence when it stops fusing ___ into helium in its core.
Star, Hydrogen
In the triple-alpha process, when helium begins to fuse with ___ it is called a “_______”
Carbon, “helium Flash”
____ rules what characteristics a star shows through all stages of its activity.
Helium-4 Is created after the _____.
Hydrogen-Helium Process
Everything we know about stars is because of the ____ they emit.
Stars toward the lower rate of the _____ fuse elements at a slower rate because they have less internal ____.
Main sequence, Nuclear activity
_____ occurs in really hot stars.
Triple-Alpha Process
An object being compressed to infinite density to almost no volume is a point called_____.
which term refers to how bright a star looks in the sky
apparent magnitude
In which luminosity class are main-sequence stars chosen.
class V
What star suddenly flares up, then grows dim over time?
Who plotted the absolute magnitude of individual stars within clusters against their colors
Enjar Hertzsprung