Unit 9 Flashcards
Revelation as proof of God
It is important to understood Christians do not believe God is trying to prove he exist: revelation is about God communicating and teaching. I’m doing so however, Christian’s believe revelation inevitably provides proof of his existence
Biblical examples of revelation
1.Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan – God the Father says ‘This is my Son,
in whom I am well pleased’.
2.Pentecost – the Holy Spirit descends on the Apostles like tongues of fire. 3.Moses and the Burning Bush – Moses here’s God speak to him.
Jesus as the most important type of revelation
1.Jesus is the Incarnation (God made man) therefore He is God revealing
himself on earth.
2.Jesus is the Messiah – the chosen one sent to free us from our sins.
Examples of visions
• Biblicalvision-Annunciation(AngelGabrielappearstoMary). • Non-biblical vision – Lourdes.
Why may visions lead to belief in God?
- When they occur they give evidence that God exists.
- Proves that God is omnipotent.
- They defy science and so need another explanation – God.
Why may visions not lead to belief in God?
• Someone may be lying.
• They may be hallucinating.
• They may have seen something natural but mistaken it for being
something from God.
Why may religious experiences not lead to belief in God?
- No physical proof that anything happened.
* Someone may have mistook a feeling for a numinous experience. • Someone may be hallucinating.
Why may religious experiences lead to belief in God?
When they occur they give evidence that God exists.
• Often people who have numinous experiences have deep and
long-lasting conversions.
• Many times numinous experiences help a person to grow closer to
Biblical miracles
- Feeding of 5000
- Jesus turned water into wine
- Resurrection
Why may miracles lead to belief in God?
- When they occur they give evidence that God exists.
- Proves that God is omnipotent.
- They defy science and so need another explanation – God.
Why may miracles not lead to belief in God?
Someone may be lying.
• They may be hallucinating.
• There may be a scientific explanation (just no one that has been found
What is the design argument
Created by William Paley
1.The universe is so complex and orderly it must have been designed by someone. 2.This designer is God.
Why might the argument lead to belief in God?
- The universe is an incredibly complex thing.
- Complex things seem to need a designer.
- Life is so detailed and works with such precision it must need someone that created it.
Why might the argument NOT lead to belief in God?
1.If God made the world surely it would be perfect. (Why does Natural Evil exist?) 2.The world is complex and beautiful but it also seems to be cruel and at times causes
3.There is no scientific proof that any designer/God exists.
What is the cosmological argument?
Created by St. Thomas Aquinas
- Nothing comes into existence without a cause.
- The universe exists.
- Therefore it must have a cause.
- This cause is God.