Unit 3 part 2 Flashcards
Mark one
The Church is one body, one Church.
• Catholics are united by shared beliefs.
Why is mark one important
Reminds us that we are all part of the Body of Christ. • We have a responsibility to work with other Christians to
do Jesus’ work.
Mark holy
The Holy Spirit works through the Church (e.g. through the sacraments).
• Jesus founded the Church.
Why is mark holy important
Reminder to Catholics:
- to receive the sacraments
- Turn to the Church for help living a Christian life
Mark Catholic
Meaning ‘universal’. • Church is a worldwide community
Why is mark Catholic important
Reminds us that Church is a global family (CST!). We are joined together around the world in a shared
mission to evangelise.
What is mark apostolic
Church is carrying on the tradition of the apostles.
Authority of the church has been passed down by apostolic succession
Why is mark apostolic important
Reminder that Magisterium (Pope and bishops) have been given authority of the apostles.
• Church has a duty to preserve, teach, defend the teachings of the apostles.
Why is Mary seen as a role model
- She risked everything to follow God’s plan at the Annunciation.
- She was faithful to God.
- She is the mother of Jesus.
- She is the Immaculate Conception (without sin).
- She is an intercessor (prays for us)
Divergent Christian attitudes towards Mary
Protestant Christians do not believe Mary or any saints can intercede (pray for us).
- Some Christians say we should only pray directly to God.
- Orthodox Christians respect Mary in similar ways to Catholics.
Personal and ethical decision making 1
Jesus is the best guide for how to behave because:
- He is God made man.
- He shows us a clear guide in how to act.
- His teachings are centred on how we should treat God and treat each other.
Personal and ethical decision making 2
The Conscience = an inner feeling of the rightness or wrongness of an act.
- Catholics believe we should always listen to our conscience but also inform it by
reading the Bible and learning the teachings of the Church
Personal and ethical decision making 3
Natural Law = the belief that there is an absolute moral law which is the same in all times and all places.
- Catholics believe that these universal laws can be discovered by anybody by the right use of reason (by thinking clearly about what leads to the good of all human beings).