Unit 8.4 Flashcards
Why do some christians support capital punishment?
- old testament: ‘eye for eye, tooth for tooth’ ∴ punish people in accordance w their crime
- St Paul: the magistrate who holds authority ‘does not bear the sword in vain: for he is the servant of God to execute his wrath on the wrongdoer’ ∴ Bible says law has authority to CP
- Decalogue: ‘thou shalt not kill’- CP affirms how severe going against this is
- Thomas Aquinas: ‘it is permissible to kill a criminal if it is necessary for the welfare of the whole community’ ∴ CP protects soc, and as TA christian role-model, other christians should follow his views
Why are some christians against capital punishment?
- God made life: “so God created manning in his own image” ∴ we shouldn’t kill people, as we’re special, ∴ CP bad
- jesus saved + reformed, e.g. The Aldulterous woman, showing that Christianity is religion of love and forgiveness ∴ don’t have CP
- decalogue: “thou shalt not kill” ∴ CP is a sin!!!
- we should behave better than criminals: “Do not resist an evil person. if anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also”∴ we shouldn’t stoop so low as to kill people by CP
Why do we need laws?
- we live in groups ∴ need law to tell us what to expect, e.g. Stop at red light, ∴ we can assume people wont be run over by drivers not stopping
- modern soc + business couldn’t function, e.g. Law says employers must pay employees for work done, ensures people are paid for work, and don’t become poor
- protect weak from strong, e.g. Laws stay to not murder or steal ∴ keeps everyone safe
- advanced civilisations need laws to be organised, e.g. ‘Do not muder’ means unacceptable acts are punished , so leads to a safer society
Why do some Muslims support capital punishment?
- Qur’an: “so not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden expect by [legal] right. This has He instructed you so theat you may use reason” ∴ CP acceptable when required
- Shariah law permits it sometimes, e.g. Deliberate muder, fasad fil-ardh (rape, homosexuality etc) ∴ big source of guidance for muslims
- Islamic philosophy thinks it acts as a deterrent, e.g. Public execution ∴ other people wont do it, so works
- Saddam Hussein- hung in Iraqi for crimes against humanity. Bc hung in a muslim country, and a muslim, muslims can use him as an example
Why are some muslims against capital punishment?
- Qur’an, just an option, doesn’t have to be used, e.g. Can take payment instead. In Muhammad’s life, no-one hung for adultery, ∴ there are other options
- not always used fairly: Sakineh Mohammadi. Arrested for adultery and conspiring to murder. Sentenced to stoning, then hanging, then released. ∴ the original judgement was too harsh
- Quran is conditions for CP rarely met. Some people killed who haven’t done these things, which is unacceptable
- Scholars of shariah law disagree over when to use CP ∴ can be used incorrectly which is unfair, and doesn’t show the imp of justice in Islam
Why do some christians support alcohol and drugs?
- Wedding at Cana: Jesus turned water into wine because it had run out. Therefore, if Jesus made wine, it can’t be that bad
- last supper: Jesus took cup of wine and told disciples “drink from it, all of you” therefore he is advocating alcohol so cant be bad. Also, in Holy communion
- St Paul told timothy to drink some wine “stop drinking only water and use a little wine because of your stomach”. therefore alcohol can have some benefits
- Old Testament: “may god give you…an abundance of grain and new wine.” therefore, alcohol is a blessing and something to enjoy
Why are some christians against alcohol and drugs?
- Salvation Army believes it is too dangerous: “members of the salvation army freely and willingly refrain from the use of these substances in their own lives”
- God’s spirit is in us: “Do you not know that your body is the temple of the holy spirit… given to you by God?”. therefore we must not interfere w our bodies
- Grieg house: SA rehabilitation centre. If it has come to a point where we must set up substance abuse centres, then drugs must be bad, and no good comes of them
- alcohol and drugs harm society: 25% of hospital admissions alcohol related, tf to show agape do not use drugs/alcohol
why does there need to be a connection between laws and justice?
- unjust laws mean people feel its right to break the law
- unjust laws are not fulfilling the promise of protecting the weak, etc.
- people will not obey and campaign against unjust laws, causing unrest in society, which could lead to civil war
What is deterrence?
The idea that punishments should be of such a nature that they put people off
For and against deterrence
- done in public so people rare aware of severity of punishment, and don’t want to do crimes (and also the person who did the crime)
-people don’t want to be treated in a humiliating way
-prison figs increasing, and prisons becoming full
- doesn’t focus on root causes, tf irrelevant
-community service more effective at reducing reoffending rates
-doesn’t work- nearly half of all prisoners reoffend
What is the Muslim view on drugs and alcohol?
- they are haram: “every intoxicant is khamr and every khamr is haram” ∴ strictly forbidden, so don’t do them
- Qur’an: “although they have some benefit for men; but their harm is far greater than their benefit” ∴ source of authority, so follow this advice
- Prophet Muhammed against them: “intoxicants are the mother of all evils. Alcohol is not a medicine but a disease” ∴ since he is a role model, they should follow his example and not use drugs/alcohol
- cause harm to society ∴ they must be bad, so don’t use them
What are the laws on drugs and alcohol?
• 16s or 17s can have a glass of wine/beer/cider w a meal, and if bought by an adult
• under 18s cant buy alcohol or have alcohol bought for them in a pub/public place
• can only give alcohol to under 5s if under medical supervision + emergency
A (7yrs): heroine, morphine, ecstasy, LSD
B (5yrs): codeine, amphetamine, methylamphetamine
C (2yrs): ketamine, GHB, cannabis
It is a serious offence to supply people with drugs, or to grow/import/export them.
Why are there laws to control drugs and alcohol?
- harm the individual, e.g. Alcohol causes liver failure and stops inhibitions ∴ accidents. As state’s duty to protect us, they should be illegal
- harm society, e.g. 11 ppl a week killed in drink driving accidents ∴ state should seek to prevent harm by regulating them
- state must show that it doesn’t condone drugs or excess alcohol. It must set a good example, otherwise more people will do drugs etc.
- if laws then it is easier to regulate. E.g. Pubs have the right to refuse service if someone is drunk, and police can search people for possession of drugs ∴ easier to protect soc from their harms
How do alcohol and drugs harm society?
- traffic accidents: 11 people a week killed in alcohol-related accidents
- industry: poor work/absenteeism due to alcohol costs UK £2bn a year
- bad for health service. 25% of hospital admissions are alcohol related ∴ massive strain
- leads to abuse: 40% of domestic abuses cases and 33% of child abuse cases are alcohol related
- leads to lots of death: roughly 3,700 deaths in 2015 due to drugs
What is retribution?
The idea that punishments should make criminals pay for what they have done wrong