Unit 8 - Vocabulary Flashcards
0-indexed language
A programming language where arrays and other data structures start counting from 0 instead of 1. In these languages, the first element is accessed with an index of 0.
2D Arrays
Data structures that store values in a grid-like format with rows and columns. They allow for the organization and manipulation of data in a two-dimensional manner.
A fixed-size collection of elements of the same type stored in contiguous memory locations. It allows efficient access to individual elements using an index.
An exception is an exception that occurs when trying to access an invalid index position in an array. It is thrown to indicate that the index used to access an array is either negative or greater than or equal to the size of the array.
A dynamic data structure that allows you to store and manipulate collections of objects. Unlike arrays, ArrayLists can grow or shrink dynamically as needed.
Building Computational Thinking
Refers to developing problem-solving skills and logical reasoning abilities through programming and computer science concepts.
Double-index notation
A way of representing elements in a two-dimensional array using two indices, one for the row and one for the column. It allows easy access to specific elements within the array.
Graphical Representation
Involves using visual elements such as charts, graphs, or diagrams to present information or data visually.
A two-dimensional arrangement of cells or elements organized in rows and columns.
Initialize 2D Arrays
Means setting up or creating a two-dimensional array with initial values before using it in a program.
Initializing 2D Arrays
Refers to the process of declaring and assigning values to a two-dimensional array. It involves specifying the size of the array and providing initial values for each element.
Inner Array
An inner array refers to an array that is contained within another array.
Practice with Indices and Values
This term refers to the process of working with indices and values in computer programming. Indices are used to access specific elements within a data structure, such as an array or a string, while values represent the actual data stored at those indices.
The length refers to the number of elements in an array or the size of a string.
Refers to the process of changing or altering data in a program. It involves modifying variables, arrays, or objects to achieve a desired outcome.
Nested Array
An array that contains other arrays as its elements. It allows for the creation of multi-dimensional data structures.
Nested For Loops
A way to repeat a set of instructions multiple times within another loop. It allows you to iterate over elements in a multi-dimensional data structure, such as a 2D array.
Non-rectangular Array
An array where each row can have a different number of columns.
Outer Array
An outer array is an array that contains other arrays as its elements.
Primitive Type Values
Refer to basic data types in programming languages such as integers, floating-point numbers, characters, booleans, etc., which are not composed of smaller parts.
Representations of 2D Arrays
Refer to different ways in which two-dimensional arrays can be visualized or stored in memory. There are multiple representations available, such as using nested loops, using matrices, or using lists of lists.
Representing 2D Arrays
Refers to the process of storing and accessing data in a two-dimensional grid-like structure. It allows for efficient manipulation and organization of data that has both rows and columns.
Refer to the horizontal lines in a table or grid that contain data. They represent individual records or entries in a dataset.
Traversing 2D Arrays
Refers to the process of accessing and examining each element in a two-dimensional array. It involves iterating through the rows and columns of the array to perform operations on each element.
2D Array Algorithms
Specific procedures or sets of instructions designed to solve problems involving two-dimensional arrays. These algorithms utilize the structure and properties of 2D arrays to perform operations efficiently.
Column-Major Order
A way of storing elements in memory where they are arranged sequentially by columns. Each column is stored one after another.
Compute Average in a 2D Array
Refers to finding the mean value of all the elements within the array. It involves summing up all the values and dividing by the total number of elements.
Compute Mode in a 2D Array
Involves finding the most frequently occurring element(s) within that array. It identifies which value(s) appear(s) with maximum frequency.
Consecutive Pairs in a 2D Array
Refer to adjacent elements within the array that are next to each other either horizontally or vertically.
Criteria Checking in a 2D Array
Refers to evaluating whether certain conditions or requirements are met for specific elements within an array. It involves examining each element and determining if it satisfies given criteria.
Duplicate Elements in a 2D Array
Refer to values that appear more than once within the array.
Enhanced For Loop (For-each Loop)
A simplified loop structure introduced in Java that allows easy iteration over arrays or collections without explicitly managing an index or iterator.
Reverse elements in a 2D array
Means flipping the order of values within each row or column of the array. The first element becomes the last, and vice versa.
Rotate elements in a 2D array
Means to shift the values of the array elements in a circular manner. It involves moving each element to its adjacent position, either clockwise or counterclockwise.
Row-Major Order
In computer science, this refers to the way elements are stored in memory. It means that elements are arranged sequentially by rows, where each row is stored one after another.
Shift Elements in a 2D Array
Refers to moving the values from one position to another while maintaining their relative order.
1D Arrays
A linear collection of elements stored in contiguous memory locations. It allows storing multiple values under one name and accessing them using indices.
2D array
A data structure that stores values in a grid-like format with rows and columns. It allows for efficient storage and retrieval of data elements.
An exception that occurs when trying to access an invalid index position in an array. It is thrown to indicate that the index used to access an array is either negative or greater than or equal to the size of the array.
Dynamic arrays that can grow and shrink dynamically as needed. They provide resizable arrays with additional methods for easy manipulation and management.
Refers to the number of elements in an array or the size of a string.
A rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions arranged in rows and columns. It is commonly used to represent data or perform mathematical operations.
A special value in programming that represents the absence of a value or the lack of an assigned object. It is used to indicate that a variable does not currently have any valid data.
rectangular arrays
Rectangular arrays are multi-dimensional arrays where each row has the same number of elements and each column has the same number of elements. They are often used to store and manipulate tabular data.
Refers to the dimensions, magnitude, or extent of something. In programming, it typically indicates the number of elements in a collection or container.
Refers to an individual element within an array or specifically denotes an element at index B within an array.
The automatic conversion of a primitive data type to its corresponding wrapper class object. For example, when an int is assigned to an Integer object, autoboxing occurs.
Column-Major Traversal
Refers to accessing elements in a multi-dimensional array by iterating through each column first before moving on to the next column. In this traversal order, consecutive elements are stored contiguously in memory along columns.
Consecutive Sequences
Refer to sets of numbers where each subsequent number follows directly after its predecessor without any gaps or missing values.
Duplicates Function
A programming function that checks for and identifies duplicate elements within a given list or array.
Enhanced For Loop
Also known as a foreach loop) is a simplified way to iterate over elements in an array or collection. It automatically handles indexing and provides an easy way to access each element without explicitly using indices.
EvenFrequency Function
A programming function that determines whether all elements in an array occur an even number of times.
For Loop
A control flow statement that allows you to repeatedly execute a block of code for a specified number of times or until certain conditions are met.
if statement
A programming construct that allows the execution of a block of code only if a certain condition is true.
isEven Function
A function used to determine whether a given number is divisible evenly by 2, meaning it’s an even number.
Mean Function (Average)
Calculates the central tendency by summing up all values in a set and dividing it by the number of values.
Minimum Function
A mathematical operation that returns the smallest value among a set of numbers.
Mode Function
A statistical measure that identifies the most frequently occurring value in a dataset.
Modifying Array Values
Refers to the process of changing the elements stored in an array. It allows for updating or altering specific elements within the array.
Modulo Operator (%)
Used in programming to find the remainder when one number is divided by another. It takes a dividend and a divisor, and returns the remainder after performing division.
Row-Major Traversal
Refers to accessing elements in a multi-dimensional array by iterating through each row first before moving on to the next row. In this traversal order, consecutive elements are stored contiguously in memory along rows.
sequential/linear search
A simple searching algorithm that checks each element in a list or array one by one until the desired element is found or the end of the list is reached. It is commonly used for small lists or unsorted data.
Sum Function
A mathematical operation that calculates the total by adding together all the values in a set or list.
A Java statement used to display output on the console. It allows you to print text or values directly to the standard output stream.
A Java statement used to display output on the console. It prints the specified message or value and adds a new line character at the end.
Traversal Algorithms
Methods used to visit and process all elements in a data structure, such as arrays, linked lists, or trees. They allow you to access each element individually and perform operations on them.