Unit 8-Aquatic and Terrestrial Pollution Vocab Flashcards
Acute Exposure
Exposure to a toxicant occurring in high amounts for short periods of time.
Algal Bloom
A rapid growth of microscopic algae or cyanobacteria in water, often resulting in a colored scum on the surface.
An underground water reservoir.
The buildup of toxicants in the tissues of an animal.
Biochemical Oxygen Demand(BOD)
The amount of dissolved oxygen that must be present in water in order for microorganisms to decompose the organic matter in the water, used as a measure of the degree of pollution.
The magnification of the concentration of toxicants in an organism caused by its consumption of other organisms in which toxins have bioaccumulated.
The use of either naturally occurring or deliberately introduced microorganisms or other forms of life to consume and break down environmental pollutants, in order to clean up a polluted site.
A chemical or type of radiation that causes cancer.
Chronic Exposure
Exposure for long periods of time to a toxicant occurring in the low amounts.
The conversion of organic waste into mulch or hummus by encouraging, in a controlled manner, the natural biological processes of decomposition.
The removal of salt from seawater.
Dissolved Oxygen
Is a measure of how much oxygen is dissolved in the water- the amount of oxygen available to living aquatic organisms.
Dose-Response curve
A curve that plots the response of test animals to different doses of a toxicant, as a result of dose-response analysis.
A prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.
E-Waste(electronic waste)
Discarded electronic products such as computers, monitors, printers, televisiond, DVD players, cell phones, and other devices. Heavy metals in these products mean that this waste may be judged hazardous.
Endocrine Disruptor
A toxicant that interferes with the endocrine (hormone) system.
Environmental Health
The study of environmental factors that influence human health and quality of life and the health of ecological systems essential to environmental quality and long-term human well-being.
The process of nutrient enrichment, increased production of organic matter, and subsequent ecosystem degradation in a water body.
Water held in aquifers underground.
A controlled process of burning solid waste for disposal in which mixed garbage is combusted at very high temperatures.
Industrial Solid Waste
Nonliquid waste that is not especially hazardous and that comes from production of consumer goods, mining, petroleum extraction and refining, and agriculture.