Unit 3- Populations Vocabulary Flashcards
Age Structure Diagram
A model that predicts the population growth and by a shape.
A term in ecological footprint accounting meaning the amount of biologically productive Land and Sea available to us.
Birth Control
The effort to control the number of children one bears, particularly by reducing the frequency of pregnancy.
Carrying Capacity
The maximum population size that a given environment can sustain.
The deliberate attempt to prevent pregnancy despite sexual intercourse.
Crude Birth Rate
The number of births per 1,000 individuals for a given time period.
Crude Death Rate
The number of deaths per 1,000 individuals for a given time period.
Demographic Transition
A theoretical model of economic and cultural change that explains the declining death rates and birth rates that occurred in Western nations as they became industrialized. The model holds that industrialization caused these rates to fall naturally by decreasing mortality and by lessening the need for large families. Parents would therefore choose to invest in a quality of life rather than quantity of children.
A social science that applies the principle of population ecology to study of statistical change in human populations.
Density-dependent Factor
A limiting factor whose effects on the a population increase or decrease depending on the population density.
Density-independent Factor
A limiting factor whose effects on a population are constant regardless of population density.
Refers to a rapid increase in numbers experienced by a population of organisms that has temporary exceeded, or overshot, it’s carrying capacity. Organisms at low trophic levels such as rodents or deer, as well as weed seeds of plants, experience dieback most often.
Doubling Time
Is the time it takes for a population to double in size / value.
The departure of individuals from a population.
Exponential Growth
The increase of a population(or of anything) by a fixed percentage each year.