Unit 8 Flashcards
What was Common Law?
A legal system based on customs and court rulings. It applied to all of Europe. The decisions of the royal courts eventually became this. The royal courts were justices sent out by Henry II.
What is a jury?
A group of men chosen when trvelling justices visited an area. They were sworn to speak the truth. They decided what cases were brought to trial. Precousor to the grand jury. Sometimes 12 neighbors of the accused.
Who was William the Conqueror?
He was the Duke of Normandy and was of Viking decent. He claimed the throne of England in 1066 on Christmas after defeating Harold, Edwards brother in law. This led to the blending of Anglo-Saxons with the Norman French.
What was the Domesday Book?
It was a census given by William to his people in 1086. It was super thurough and was seen as gods final day of judgement that no one could escape. Helped build an efficient tax collection system.
Who was King John?
He was the son o Henry II. He was a cruel and untrustworthy ruler whom lost to his 3 main enemies. Pope innocent III, King Phillip II, and his English nobles. Lost French land in Anjou and Normandy. Rejected pope’s nominee of archbishop so was excomm. and eng. in an interdict and had to pay yrly fee to rome.
What was the Magna Carta?
A great charter that was forced upon King John by his nobles. In 1215 it said that nobles (later everyone) had certain rights and that the monarch must obey the law.
What was due process of law?
It is the modern version of a clause in the magna carta that states that you cant arrest a person arbitrarily or without the legal judgement of his peers.
What is Habeas Corpus?
A modern version of a clause in the magna carta that states that a person can’t be imprisoned without first being charged.
What was the Parliament?
It was what evolved from the Great council. It aided in the unification of England. Was used by Edward I to aprove for mony for wars in France.Two house body, House of Lords (nobles and high clergy) and House of Commons (kinghts and middle class cit.) Had power of taxes.
Who was Louis IX?
He bacame the king of France in 1226. He was a depply religious man and persecuted heratics (People agains the church) Led 2 crusades against muslims and persecuted Jews. ended serfdom in his private domain.
Who was Thomas Becket?
He was the Archbishop of Canterbury and was killed by some of King Henry II’s men after a legal argument about the right to try the clergy i court. He used to be friends with Henry. Killed in 1170 in his own cathedral. Later became a saint.
Who was Henry II?
An energetic and well educated king in 1154. Expanded the system of royal justice by expanding accepted customs into law. His efforts to extend royal power didn’t sit well with the church.
What was the Holy Roman Empire?
A large area of land that stretched from Germany to Italy and often clashed with the popes. Otto I was the first pope of this area. Pope struggled for control with the vassals and nobles of the land.
Who was Henry IV?
In 1054 he was the king of Germany and later became HRE. Angry with the pope he said he was entitled to give office to people. He was excommunicated. He forced the pope into exile as revenge.
Who was Gregory VII?
He was the pope at the time of Henry IV. He imposed many church reforms which caused a lot of hatred and contempt. He wanted to make the church independent of secular rulers. Excommunicated Henry but later refersed it when he confessed his sin.
What is lay investiture?
This was banned by Gregory VII and it is the practice that any lay person, or someone not in the clergy, presented bishops with the ring and staff that symbolized their office.
What was the Concordat of Worms?
A treaty signed in 1122 where the church and HRE agreed that only the church had power to elect bishops but the emp. could sill invest them with fiefs.
Who was Fredrick Barbarossa?
Aka Frederick I or Red Beard. He dreamed of building an empire from the Baltic to the Adriatic. Arranged a marriage with his son to entangle german and Italian affairs. His grandson Frederick II was a king too. Was defeated by the Lombard League in Italy.