Unit 8 Flashcards
y build their businesses to develop and distribute medical products or
devices, offer direct patient care or patient advocacy, educate or train other professionals or
community members, or provide health care-related consultation, among other functions.
Nurse entrepreneurs
Nurses must be able to communicate with professionals and patients
from a wide range of backgrounds daily.
Long shifts, tough situations and the drive to help others give nurses
perseverance that is hard to match. Nurses know that challenges will be put in their path, and
they’re skilled at finding ways to overcome them. This is an admirable trait in an entrepreneur.
Roles and Duties of a Nurse Entrepreneur
Use nursing education and experience to establish their own business venture within the
healthcare field
Promote the business, including advertising and sales efforts to attract and retain customers
Hire and manage employees to assist in running the business as needed
Tend to the financial side of running a business, including accounting, payroll and tax issues
Provide healthcare products or nursing services which may include direct patient care,
education or consulting services, home health services.
Outside of all the scientific
knowledge nurses must possess, they also have a plethora of skills they use in their professional
nursing careers that help them transition perfectly into the entrepreneur role. Here are a few:
Industry knowledge.
Nurses learn to be incredibly organized because their patients’ well-being
depends on it. These organizational skills make them incredible business leaders who can
keep track of many moving pieces.
recommended identifying a problem in the health care field that
which they have the skills to fill, creating a business idea to help alleviate the problem, identifying
their target market and studying their competition before they start a nursing business
Nurse Buff blog
As a maternity nurse and certified infant crying specialist. saw
new parents struggling with colicky babies. She felt it was her life’s mission to help these
parents overcome the challenges of the newborn days
Keith Carlson podcast called
The Nurse
Keith Show,
a continuation of care our loved one
might have received or needed in an inpatient care placement
Home healthcare, or skilled care receive at home
Although there are many examples of nurse entrepreneurs even from the earliest days of the
profession, including **
Florence Nightingale and Clara Barton,
Nurses have to think on their feet and adapt quickly, traits that allow them to be successful
business owners.
is a person who has great innovative ideas that can identify a need to create a
business in order to fill a void
Nurse offered one product, a *** that included bandage scissors, a hemostat, an
integrated penlight and a nameplate. Now, the company offers more than 5,600 products
including nursing simulation tools and medical supply solutions.
pocket organizer
The company makes
products specifically designed for premature infants, such as diapers, positioning solutions
and pacifiers.
Small Beginnings, Inc.
Sharon Rogone worked as a NICU nurse in the .
order to receive Medicaid or Medicare, they also have to meet certain standards set out by the ***
for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
Keith Carlson a freelance writer while maintaining his blog called
For aspiring entrepreneurs, the following businesses are among the many growth opportunities within
the healthcare industry:
Home Health Care
Medical Transcription
Medical Supply Sales.
According to the Bureau
of Labor Statistics, the number of people in healthcare occupations is projected to grow ** by 2026,
adding nearly 2.4 million new jobs. T
meet patients in their homes to provide skilled
nursing care including medication administration, changing dressings, treatment and other nursing
interventions. T
Visiting nurses, also called homecare nurses
one of the first responsibilities of visiting nurses. Patient who are
receiving care in the community are usually not as sick as those in the hospital, but they are
less likely to have safeguards in a place.
Research based on data from Census Bureau and the Internal Revenue Service between 2007
and 2014 revealed that entrepreneurs were 125% more successful if they had previous jobs, especially
in the field where they were starting a business. That means, nurses have a good chance of succeeding
when launching nursing related businesses given their background in the health care field.
T r a n sl a t i n g a N u rsi n g Ba c k g r o u n d t o Bu si n e ss
Since its founding in 1981, the company has grown significantly into a huge
operation. Sharon and her products were added to the **
Smithsonian archives in 2008.
Home care professionals must strictly adhere to a
physician approved plan of care that is deemed medically necessary and updated *** in
order for Medicare benefits to continue.
every 60 days
worked in various specialties and
leadership roles before becoming a nurse entrepreneur. He now helps other nurses navigate
their nursing careers with his career coaching business, hosts a podcast
Keith Carlson
This helps them when they start a business because
they’re able to connect easily with various stakeholders and customers.
means that the agency has met specific
federal guidelines and criteria regarding patient care.
Medicare certification
The aging population and the chronically ill have a growing need for
medical supplies and equipment, including walkers, braces and bedpans. A medical supply
business gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to either open a physical store and sell within
their community or create an online store and target customers in any location. Market
research will be necessary to learn which products are in demand and where, and you’ll
also need knowledge around quality suppliers and your competition. A
Medical Supply Sales
work from
home, make your own hours and do almost everything digitally, medical transcription
might be the job for you. As an alternative to selling goods, medical transcriptionists sell their services, transcribing voice recordings into written documents for medical records.
They are usually employed by hospitals, but physicians’ offices and medical labs are also
popular options
Medical Transcription
Other top Business Ideas for Nurse Entrepreneurs
Legal Nurse Consultant. …
Nurse Health Coach. …
Specialized Care Provider. …
Wellness Coach. …
Nurse Blogger. …
Freelance Writer or Editor. …
Hospice Caregiver. …
Childbirth Education or Doula.
a very important part of homecare nursing, since family members are
more frequently involved in patient care in the home than they are in the hospital. If the
family consents and it seems appropriate, involve the family in any needed teaching. Nurse
should make sure that the family and patient understand the treatment, why they are getting
the treatment, and what type of results they should expect.
Patient teaching
Nurses have been on the front lines of the health care industry and
understand it in a way that outsiders simply can’t compete with. A
Industry knowledge
skilled nursing and other healthcare
services your agency provides must be overseen by a team that includes a physician and appropriately
qualified nurses, even though your family might not work directly with those medical administrators.
They make sure that the home healthcare agency or group can provide a range of services.
for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
It is important not only just the effectiveness of
the intervention the nurse is in charge of, but also all the patient’s body systems. It is also
important to look at the physical environment as part of the assessment and identify any
potential hazards for the patient.
Tranquilo launched on ***
in 2017, and the company has sold tens of thousands of mats since.
Shark Tank
saw a need in the nursing realm in terms of simple
organization. In 1992, he developed Pocket Nurse.
Anthony Battaglia
Aspiring nurse entrepreneurs begin their careers by completing their A
Associate’s Degree in
Nursing or Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree and pass the NCLEX-RN/Nurse Licensure exam.
licensed and usually Medicare certified and accepts other
3rd party billing of health insurances. M
Home Health Agencies
Probably the oldest and most familiar provider of home care services
Home Health Agencies
This kind of care may be called senior
home healthcare or elderly home healthcare.
Home healthcare, or skilled care receive at hom
MELISSA GERSIN invention mimics a mother’s womb with vibrations and white noise
Tranquilo mat
generally the reason the patient is receiving home care nursing.
This might include administering intravenous drugs, changing dressings, maintaining a
ventilation system, assessing wound development or changes, and other treatment, as
provided through physician orders or established office protocols.
Home care nurse will
work more autonomously, but still should have access to a continual medical supervision as
well as a full set of standing orders, policy and procedures.
Treatment Task
.Nursing and entrepreneurship are similar in how they throw constantly.
fill the gaps in the current health care delivery system by supporting the
development of targeted products and services, enhanced technology, software, and safety systems.
Nurse entrepreneurs
Keith Carlson became a nurse in the
While an advanced degree is not required for nurse entrepreneurs to start their own business,
many nurses may consider a dual master’s degree program in nursing and business administration, in
which students complete their
Master’s of Science in Nursing and Master of Business Administration
degrees simultaneously
Anthony Battaglia In **, he developed Pocket Nurse.
They may work for a hospital, an independent visiting nurse service, or another
community facility such as hospice. The specific responsibilities of a visiting nurse vary from job to
job, but some general responsibilities are the same for nearly all homecare nurses.
Visiting nurses, also called homecare nurses
Educational Requirements and Skills of Nurse Entrepreneurs
- Becoming a Nurse Entrepreneur
- T r a n sl a t i n g a N u rsi n g Ba c k g r o u n d t o Bu si n e ss
Costs for healthcare continue to grow, resulting in an increased demand
for low-cost home care solutions. As an owner of a home health care business, you
provide professional medical care within a patient’s home. These businesses assign
professionals to monitor chronic health issues, provide senior care or give day-to-day
home assistance like cooking meals, cleaning and changing bandages. Keep in mind that
you will need to register with the state to receive funding from Medicare or Medicaid, then
obtain certifications and hire a reliable team of health professionals before starting
Home Health Care
a proprietor of a business
that offers nursing services of a direct care, educational, research, administrative, or consultative
Nurse entrepreneurs
Research based on data from Census Bureau and the Internal Revenue Service between 2007
and 2014 revealed that entrepreneurs were *** more successful if they had previous jobs, especially
in the field where they were starting a business.