Unit 6 Flashcards
they focus on helping seniors deal with
aggressive debt collectors and with social security disability claims. They provide low-cost
services to seniors who aren’t sure how to handle these issues on their own.
. LASPD.Legal Advocates for Seniors and People with Disabilities
They offer educational resources and tools to help
seniors find and take advantage of the benefits available to them in addition to advocating for
seniors’ concerns at a policy level.
National Council on Aging
helps someone navigate the medical system. They
accompany seniors to appointments, talk with doctors, take clear notes, research health
conditions, find specialists, and help manage health insurance and medical bills.
Health Advocate
Pasali is founding member,
along with Family Planning Organization of the Philippines (FPOP) and Mindanawan
Community Development Organization, Inc. (MCDOI).
Advocacy Consortium for the Elderly (ACE). P
most visible organization actively advocating for seniors i
organization can be a rewarding
experience at any age. But for someone looking to donate their time after retirement,
volunteering can offer a number of additional benefits that enhance physical, emotional,
and mental health
.Staying active after retirement is extremely important. Everyone
has a personal wish list of dreams and activities they put off for “one day”. Retirement is
the perfect time for seniors to dust off their “bucket list” and pursue a lifelong goal, be it
gardening, sewing, painting or French cooking.
Pick Up a New Hobby
an emotionally close relationship between grandparent and grandchild is associated with
fewer symptoms of depression for both generations.” For kids, having grandparents around
means having the perfect companions to play with and have fun. Grandparents are some of the
best partners when it comes to using creativity and imagination to discover the wonders of life.
Grandparents can greatly reduce household stress
For older adults, keeping in touch with the important
people in their lives can help to stave off loneliness and feelings of isolation that can lead
to depression, as well as mental and physical decline.Teach your older relative or friend
how to connect with new and old friends on social media and Skype. O
Stay Connected with Friends
In the
local level, they work in encouraging local authorities to promote and acknowledge the rights
of older people and consider them when planning and implementing development projects.
Coalition of Services of the Elderly.COSE
Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003
RA 9257
. In support of the RA 9257 (The
Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2003) and the RA 9994 (Expanded Senior Citizen Act of
2010), the Department of Health issued Administrative Orders for health implementors to
undertake and promote the health and wellness of senior citizens as well as to alleviate the
conditions of older persons who are encountering degenerative diseases.
Health and Wellness Program for Senior Citizen
i is founding member of the Advocacy
Consortium for the Elderly (ACE),
along with Family Planning Organization of the Philippines (FPOP) and Mindanawan
Community Development Organization, Inc. (MCDOI).
an organization of lawyers that help seniors and people with disabilities with certain
legal issues they’re most likely to face
. LASPD.Legal Advocates for Seniors and People with Disabilities
a little different from the
other organizations on the list as it’s less focused on influencing public policy, and more
focused on providing better education and resources to the professionals that work with
American Society on Aging
When grandchildren spend the night at grandma’s house, it’s a good opportunity to
teach them how to be a good houseguest, respect other people’s property and clean up after
themselves. Somehow, kids find clearing the table or making their beds less painless when
Grandmother asks them to help out than they do at home.
Teach Kids Good Manners
e government organization
devoted to advocating for seniors and their concerns. They work to keep other government
organizations aware of the issues that influence seniors so that legislation affecting the senior
population keeps their needs and issues top of mind, and they provide grants to various other
organizations that provide direct services and education to seniors.
Administration on Aging
program aims to identify non-dependent substance use or prescription medication issues
and provide effective service strategies prior to an individual’s need for more extensive or
specialized substance abuse treatment.
Brief Intervention and Treatment for Elders (BRITE)
Expanded Senior Citizen Act of
RA 9994
COSE facilitate the setting up of *** and Help Desk in
the local government units
Older Citizen Monitoring Boards (OCMB)
.Grandparents are a valuable resource
because they have so many stories and experiences from their own lives to share. Oftentimes
children will listen to grandparents even when they are not listening to their parents or other
adults. Grandparents also offer a link to a child’s cultural heritage and family history. Children
understand more of who they are and where they come from through their connection with
their grandparents.
Grandparents have a great amount of experience
Advocacy Consortium for the Elderly (ACE). three target Barangays of General Santos City
Fatima, San
Jose, and Tambler.
depressive symptoms in older adults with chronic conditions and functional
limitations. It includes screening and assessment, education, referral to appropriate health
professionals, and behavioralactivation.
Healthy IDEAS (Identifying Depression Empowering Activities for Seniors)
Studies show that as many as 9 out
of 10 adult grandchildren feel that their grandparents influenced their beliefs and values. A
child’s perspective of what constitutes a healthy, normal relationship is shaped by the
relationship that he or she holds with a grandparent. Through regular contact, a sense of
emotional intimacy, and unwavering support, children can experience what a true, positive
relationship should look like.
Grandparents truly impact their grandchildren’s lives
Medicare fraud costs an estimated $60 billion a year, but much of
that could be prevented if Medicare beneficiaries receive proper education.
Senior Medicare Patrol
a substance abuse
screening and intervention program for older adults who are experiencing issues with
alcohol, prescription medication, over-the-counter medication, or illicit drugs.
Brief Intervention and Treatment for Elders (BRITE)
Play Mind Games some of the most common and accessible activities for
seniors include:
Reading and writing
Learning a new language
Playing an instrument
Playing puzzles and games
While parents are the first ones to teach children manners,
grandparents can reinforce the basics, and share some of the finer points of etiquette with their
grandchildren through fun activities. Grandparents can help kids write thank you notes, teach
them to share, teach them that it’s good manners to put the cell phone away when at the dinner
Teach Kids Good Manners
One of the most rewarding things grandparents can do with
their grandchildren is read to them. Reading to young children improves their cognitive and
language skills and improves their reading comprehension. Even before the kids learn to talk,
they enjoy sitting in grandma’s lap to look at picture books. Use this special time to teach
words, colors, letters and objects and tell stories about the pictures. All are ways to teach
children to love books and to love reading.
Teach Kids to Love Reading
COSE and **
priorities in the Older Persons Policy and Legislative Agenda (OPPLA):
Confederation of Older Persons Associations of the Philippines (COPAP)
works to advocate for the Hispanic
seniors that represent a growing portion of the U.S. senior population. They focus on policy
issues that range from economic security to health and housing
. NHCOA. The National Hispanic Council on Aging
Many seniors worked their whole life confident that their work
would pay off in a pension that was promised, only to face doubt that they’d receive their due
when they retire due to budget cutbacks.
Pension Rights Center.
advocates for better health care, social
services, and economic programs for American Indian and Alaska Native elders. They help
provide education to Native American seniors to help them access the services available while
also working with agencies and organizations to ensure more and better services are provided.
NICOA. The National Indian Council on Aging
Advocacy Programs for Elderly (Philippines)
Coalition of Services of the Elderly.
Health and Wellness Program for Senior Citizen
Advocacy Consortium for the Elderly (ACE)
a legal advocacy organization that pushes for any
legislation that will reduce poverty for seniors. They therefore fight for affordable healthcare,
greater resources for seniors that are economically disadvantaged, and give a particular focus
to the types of seniors that have often been the least legally protected, such as people of color,
immigrants with minimal English skills, and LGBTQ seniors.
Justice in Aging
Important Things Grandparents Can Teach Their Grandchildren
Teach Kids to Love Reading.
Teach Kids a Skill.
Teach Kids About Family
Teach Kids Good Manners.
Teach Kids Good Values.
response to concerns about the quality of nursing home care. They have long worked to
improve the standards long-term care facilities are held to and to advocate for policies that
affect the quality of life seniors in long-term care experience.
National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care
COSE and Confederation of Older Persons Associations of the Philippines (COPAP)
priorities in the Older Persons Policy and Legislative Agenda (OPPLA):
a.Social Pension for Older Persons
b. Freedom from Violence and Abuse in Older Age
c.National Long Term Care Program Framework
d. Comprehensive Anti-discrimination Bill
e.National Commission on Older Persons Welfare
f. Promoting Age-friendly Communities
They offer education, publications, and training to help people who work with seniors
learn best practices and stay up to date on how to do their work effectively and
American Society on Aging
With more than 5 million seniors suffering from Alzheimer’s, the
Alzheimer’s Association advocates for better research, policies, and care for a significant
portion of the senior population. They also provide resources and suggestions to people who
want to do their part to advocate for Alzheimer’s patients. As the number of people with
Alzheimer’s continues to grow, the organization has an important role to play in helping the
seniors and their families affected by the disease.
Alzheimer’s Association
Grandparents are a treasure store of family history.
Grandchildren will love to hear stories about their parents as young children or about their
grandparent’s lives in the “olden days”. Even very young children enjoy looking at old family
photo albums, and this is a great time to tell them some family history.
Teach Kids About Family.
is an organization that works toward
improving the lives of LGBTQ seniors. They offer a range of services in areas like
employment and health care, and work to advocate for public policies that benefit the LGBTQ
senior population.
SAGE. Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders
With both parents in many families
working outside of the home, it is oftentimes the grandparents that play a vital role in raising
today’s youth. According to the 2010 Census, roughly 2.7 million grandparents provide for the
basic needs of a grandchild, while even more take care of their grandchildren on a regular
basis. If they are willing and able, having a grandparent act as either an occasional babysitter
or a paid childcare provider gives many parents a great sense of comfort knowing that they are
leaving their children in capable and caring hands.
Grandparents offer an affordable childcare option
offering member discounts and helpful resources to seniors, they also work as
advocates for seniors in the political arena, urging lawmakers to consider their older
constituents when they make policies likely to affect them.
Ways to Improve Mental Health of Elderly
Play Mind Games.
Get Physical Exercise.
Stay Connected with Friends
Pick Up a New Hobby
Caring for a Pet
COSE and Confederation of Older Persons Associations of the Philippines (COPAP)
priorities in the ***
Older Persons Policy and Legislative Agenda (OPPLA):
In addition to putting pressure on politicians to make choices that benefit seniors, they
also provide seniors with the information needed to better advocate for themselves by
knowing the best bills and issues to call their representatives about.
works to
provide resources and education designed to further reduce how frequent elder abuse is and
help the estimated two million people in the U.S. that are victims of it each year.
National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA)
Staying active and getting enough exercise are as important for
senior mental health and older adults’ wellbeing, as they are at any other stage of life. In
addition to the physical benefits, exercise can also help manage stress, anxiety,
and depression in seniors, which can be just as detrimental to senior health as physical
ailments and injuries
Get Physical Exercise.
Grandchildren will love doing activities with grandparents asthey share
something they love with them.
Teach Kids a Skill
o strengthen older people organizations (OPOs) in the community because
they are important in pushing for an inclusive governance and policy-making. In addition,
they facilitate the setting up of Older Citizen Monitoring Boards (OCMB) and Help Desk in
the local government units
Coalition of Services of the Elderly.COSE
Grandparents often spend blocks of quality time with their
grandchildren, and can have a deep influence on their grandchild’s values. They can help
teach their grandchildren respect for each other and for other people by listening and
responding to them respectfully.
Teach Kids Good Values.
“An act granting mandatory national health insurance program of PhilHealth for all senior
Republic Act No. 10642
funds projects that help educate seniors on common Medicare abuses and respond to
any complaints they have about their coverage.
Senior Medicare Patrol
works in ensuring the participation of older
people and inclusion of their issues in the development of public policies and programs.
Coalition of Services of the Elderly.COSE
They can teach their grandchildren to tell the truth and to act
honorably, to be kind to other people and to animals. By their words and actions, grandparents
teach their grandchildren tolerance and empathy for people who are different from
Teach Kids Good Values.
guarantees that centralize health
services for care in all life stages, service delivery networks, and financial risk protection,
geriatric health is mentioned as an area of concern.
Philippine Health Agenda (2017 - 2022)
Organizations Working to Advocate for Older People. (USA)
National Council on Aging
Justice in Aging
National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care.
American Society on Aging
National Center on Elder Abuse
Pension Rights Center.
Senior Medicare Patrol.
Administration on Aging.
. Alzheimer’s Association
They love taking them on walks through her extensive flower gardens,
explaining how each flower liked shade or sun, how to propagate from cuttings or seeds.
Reasons Why Grandparents Are So Important
Grandparents truly impact their grandchildren’s lives
Grandparents can greatly reduce household stress
Grandparents have a great amount of experience.
Grandparents provide a sense of security
Grandparents offer an affordable childcare option.
All senior citizens are mandatorily
covered by the *** by virtue of Republic Act No. 10642
Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
During six to eight in-home sessions
that take place in the client’s home and focus on brief behavioral techniques,
counselors empower individuals to take action and make lasting changes so that they can
lead more active and rewarding lives.
Program to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives for Seniors (PEARLS).
Behavioral Health Programs for Older Adults
Healthy IDEAS (Identifying Depression Empowering Activities for Seniors).
Program to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives for Seniors (PEARLS).
Brief Intervention and Treatment for Elders (BRITE)
Just as the body needs physical activity and stimulation to stay
healthy, the brain needs stimulation to stay sharp and avoid cognitive decline as we age.
Any activity that keeps the mind engaged and working towards solving problems
contributes to brain health,
Play Mind Games
Interested seniors can sign up for their advocacy alerts to stay up to date on policy
decisions that influence the lives of seniors and tips for ways to get involved and take action
National Council on Aging
s to reduce the
incidence of elder abuse, it’s still a problem many seniors deal with
National Center on Elder Abuse (NCEA)
coalition of groups and individuals that both get directly involved when called on by
individual seniors that need help navigating senior care issues and work toward legal reforms
that provide seniors with more rights and better protections.
CARIE.CARIE, or the Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of the Elderly,
highly effective method designed to reduce depressive symptoms and improve quality of
life in older adults and in all-age adults with epilepsy.
Program to Encourage Active, Rewarding Lives for Seniors (PEARLS).
a community-based program working for the elderly rights and development with
special attention to Moro and Indigenous People’s. As partner of the consortium, its programs
and services are focused in the three target Barangays of General Santos City: Fatima, San
Jose, and Tambler
Advocacy Consortium for the Elderly (ACE).
a government organization that partners with
nonprofit organizations and businesses to help provide resources and solutions to make aging
easier on seniors in the United States. T
National Council on Aging
Especially during tough times, having an extra
layer of support can make a big difference in a child’s life. Studies have shown that close
grandparent-grandchild relationships during the teenage years are associated with less
behavioral and emotional problems and fewer social difficulties with peers. Grandparents
offer an extra ear when kids need someone to talk to, because sometimes children just find it
easier to open up and share their difficulties and problems with their grandparents.
Grandparents provide a sense of security
works both to secure the
legal protections that hold governments and businesses to their pension promises, and helps
seniors navigate the process of getting their pension when the time comes.
Pension Rights Center.
, animals can help keep seniors active and busy and
offer companionship in the process with their unconditional love. Volunteering at an
animal shelter is also a good way to connect with animals if you don’t care for one of
your own
Caring for a Pet
Giving children books that are interesting and fun to read is also a way to encourage
them. Grandparents can take the kids to the library for story time or help them choose their
own books, something that busy working parents might not have time to do.
Teach Kids to Love Reading
Health and Wellness Program for Senior Citizen intends to provide the following:
1.focused service delivery packages and integrated continuum of quality care,
2.patient-centered and environment standard to ensure safety and accessibility for senior
3.equitable health financing,
4.capacitated health providers in the implementation of health programs for senior
5.data base management, and
6.strengthened coordination and collaboration with other stakeholders involved in the
implementation of programs for senior citizens.