Unit 8 Flashcards
Translate: What is wrong with you?
highlight “wrong” and modal particle usage in questions.
Was ist denn mit dir los?
denn as a model particle is only used in questions
to give the speaker some room to express a mood tonally.
You can make it sound annoyed, surprised, curious, angry, etc.
effectively making the sentence more casual additional flavoring
los sein is idiomatic. it has many different meanings in spoken German.
Translate: While Gogo is out, Katie is freezing in the apartment.
Highlight “out” and “freezing”
Während Gogo unterwegs ist, friert Katie in der Wohnung.
This use of während is as a conjunction.
to cuddle with someone
Translate: Gogo cuddled with Bobbie because the room was cold.
kuscheln mit jemandem reg. verb
Gogo hat mit Bobbie gekuschelt, weil das Zimmer kalt war.
to talk about something
Translate: I don’t want to talk about it.
über etwas reden.
Ich will nicht darüber reden.
Translate: Then he just simply disappeared.
Highlighting “simply” and “disappear”
Dann ist er einfach verschwunden.
verschwinden, verschwand, ist verschwunden, subj. II verschwände
Translate: But he will show up again.
Highlighting “will show up” and “again”
Aber er taucht schon wieder auf.
If I say “Er taucht wieder auf” in English it is “But he shows up again”
If I add “schon” to the sentence it becomes “But he will turn up again.”
Translate: I have had it! or I have had enough!
Mir’s reicht! This is idiomatic eine Redewendung
reichen is reg. verb
and encompasses a group of similar yet different english meanings:
hand, reach, be enough, pass, suffice, be sufficient, do, go from to, hand to, last, pass to, range, range from to, serve, stretch, vary from to, extend, adequate, be adequate
Translate: I can’t do it
a sentence with the same verb but with the addition of a noun:
The heating doesn’t work
Es geht nicht.
Die Heizung geht nicht.
Translate: I am really getting fed up!
Highlighting “really” and “fed up”
Ich habe langsam die Nase voll!
without langsam it translates as “I am fed up”
von etwas die Nase voll haben : to be fed up with something
langsam can mean gradually or slowly but surely. as well as slowly,
die Nase voll haben is idiomatic
more denn usage as modal particle
Translate: What is the matter?
Why is that?
Was gibt es denn?
Warum denn das?
Denn is used here to express the attitude of the speaker. This has the effect of toning down the pressure behind the question.
Like what is it then? or Why do you say that then?
expressing the passive voice with modal verbs
Translate: The lightbulb needs to be changed.
Translate: Katie said that the lightbulb needs to be changed.
Die Glühbirne muss gewechselt werden.
Katie hat gesagt, dass die Glühbirne gewechselt werden muss.
Ach, Ihr Name ist also Sauer?
Translate: Well that fits so really well!
Highlight is on the use of a modal particle used to emphasize and slang for really well.
Na, das passt ja (1) richtig gut!
Ja is a modal particle 1) speaker & listener having the same opinion, similar to as we both know. mark in a statement that some is as an established reality. 2) shows surprise affirm, emphasize
richtig means right, something stated true, morally good, and finally slang total real meaning sehr viel.
Ach, Ihr Name ist Sauer? Das passt ja richtig gut.
Translate: Because I am really mad!
highlights another way of saying “because” and another way of saying really and a slang word for mad.
Ich bin nämlich echt sauer!
echt means real, genuine, authentic but has slang useage such as echt gut and echt schlecht. really good and really bad
nämlich means namely, actually, but also means “because” as adverb. It goes after the verb but is in 1st place in English.
sauer adj means sour or bitter in taste but slang it means mad.
to count on something
Die Heizung muss repariert werden.
Wie lange dauert das?
Translate : Well you (formal) must count on one or two days.
Highlight on “well” and “count on”
Na ja, ein oder zwei Tage müssen Sie rechnen.
reg. verb with different uses
1. calculate (math)
2. pay off (something you tried to do to get something else)
3. count on or rely on (someone, something) (mit jmdm oder etwas)
4. to expect something
Translate: That is not OK. I want my money back.
Highlight “to get something back”
Das geht so nicht. Ich will mein Geld zurückhaben.