Unit 8 Flashcards
What are emotions?
Emotions typically arise as reactions to important life events. Once stimulated, emotions generate feelings, activate the body for action and generate motivational states, also producing recognisable facial expressions
What are the multiple dimensions of emotions?
Subjective (subjective to feelings), social (Send postural and vocal signals that communicate intense emotions), biological (Mobilizers that prepare the body to adapt), intentional (intentional agents, much like hunger) non of this fully define emotion
Emotions are a short-term phenomena related to..
feelings, stimulation, intentional and expression, which helps us adapt to the opportunities and challenges we face during significant life events
To every emotions the are four cycling compnents which are
Bodily responses
Expressive behaviours
Sense of Purpose
Emotions act as and serve as a…
- act as motivator’s by energising and directing behavior
- Serve as a continuous indicator system to signal how well or poorly adaptation is going
So what came first the egg or the chicken?
- cognitive perspectives see that individuals cannot respond emotionally unless they first cognitively evaluate the meaning and personal importance of an event
-biological perspective sees that emotional reactions do no necessarily require such cognitive appraisals
What causes emotion? two system perspective diagram
There is the two systems perspective. On part of the diagram is innate, spontaneous, physiological based (involuntarily). The other is a cognitive system based on experience.
Start with signitifant stimulus event -> ends with Parallel, interactive, and coordinated output to activate and regulate emotion.
- experience: Cortical structures
- innate: subscortical
What causes emotion? Emotional feed back loop
to influence the emotionsn, one can intervene at any point in the circuit, such as changing the cognitive evaluation or the quality of the activation, which will affect the emotion.
starts with significant stimulus event -> cognition
overt behavioral activity
expressive display
preparation for action
arousal -> cognition
How many emotions are there?
this depends on the perspective
Biological: 2-10 basic emotions
Cognitive: broader emotional repertoire
there are six common emotions: fear anger sadness dispair , and joy
perception of a threat to well-being, psychological or physical and the anticipation of harm.
overwhelmed by a threatening situation
experience of separation or failure, such as the loss of loved ones, exam failures, or rejections.
aversive sensation so it motivates to initiate whatever behavior is necessary to alleviate the distress-provoking circumstances before they happen again
Arise from rejection, betrayal, restriction, or unwarranted criticism.
increases energy and the feeling of control
Varies according to culture,
contaminated deteriorated or rotten object
in babies: bitter or sour tastes, in childhood: offensive objects
adulthood: encounter with potentially contaminated obejects
function: rejection and discard some physical or psychological aspects of environment
Linked to success and interpersonal interaction. It is a social glue and facilitates interaction promoting formation and strengthening of friendships
What is the purpose of emotions?
Work on the utility of emotion happens with Charles Darwin. The Expression of the Emotions in Man and animals (1872):
- they help animals to adapt to their environment
Coping function
Each emotion is related to a behaviour that facilitates adaptation and fulfil fundamental life tasks.
there is NO such thing as a bad emotion. Not even sadness
Social function
Emotions satisfy social functions
- communicating our feelings to others
- influence the interaction of other people with us
- inviting and facilitating social interaction
- they create, maintain and dissolve relationships
What is the difference between emotions and mood?
Three elements:
Background: emotions come from significant life situations, estimates of importance, while mood arises from unknown processes
Action specificity: emotions influence behavior, mood influence cognition
Time course: emotions are brig, moods last longer