Unit 8 Flashcards
damage to your auto exclusions - Part D
- used as a public or livery conveyance
- wear & tear, freezing
- electronic equipment that reproduces, receives or transmits audio, visual etc
- destruction/ confiscation by government or civil authorities
- non- owned autos being used by any person engaged in an auto business
- custom furnishings or equipment in a pick up or van
collision - Part D
contact with another object
points assed
while moving
transportation expense - Part D
- due to physical damage to covered auto
- temporary transportation expenses, rental car, bus fare, taxi fare, train fare
$20 a day - maximum $600
48 hour waiting period for theft losses
24 hour waiting period for other types of loss
other than collision - Part D
- missiles or falling objects
- fire or windstorm
- theft or larceny
- explosion or earthquake
- hail, water, flood
no points assed/ while still - animal or rock chip, does not cover personal property in vehicle
Part D
coverage for damage to your auto (physical damage)
pays for direct and accidental loss to the named insured’s covered auto or any non-owned auto against loss caused by collision or other than collision
newly acquired auto - Part C
- automatically has same coverage as current covered autos for 14 days
- must be specifically added to policy within those 14 days
- collision and other than collision
- coverage is already on policy, report within 14 days
- no coverage, must request coverage in 4 days
- loss occurs within first 4 days and insured has complied with notification
$500 deductible will apply
appraisal - Part C
settlement option regarding value of loss disputes
- insured & insurer each select appraiser
- each party pays cost of its own appraiser
- two appraisers then select an umpire
- cost of umpire split between the two parties
- amount agreed upon by two out of the three is amount paid for the loss
arbitration - Part C
- not limited to disputes over the value of the loss
- insurer refuses to honor & pay a claim filed by the insured
- insured feels they have a valid claim, but insurer does not
underinsured motorist coverage - Part C
- pays when the at fault driver has liability insurance
- liability is less than the injured, family, or guest passengers bodily injury
- has insurance, doesn’t have enough coverage to pay
other insurance - Part C
- prevents stacking of limits
- amount paid is limited to the highest single policy limit
limits of uninsured motorists - Part C
- can be split or combined single limits
- usually can’t be greater than insured’s liability limits
subrogation - Part C
- insurance company can sue the at-fault party for damages the company paid
- most policy’s
uninsured motorists - Part C
- no liability at time of accident
- liability limits lower than state requirements
- hit & run driver (contact with the vehicle)
- insurance company insolvent
- insurance company denies coverage
- uninsured driver at fault
Part C
uninsured motorist coverage
- pays the insured, family, and guest passengers for bodily injury, depending on the state property damage , bodily injury only (usually)
limits of liability - Part B
single limit of liability applies each person injured
other insurance: if medical bills are paid by the insureds liability policy, they will not be paid again
medical payments exclusions - Part B
- sustained while occupying a motor vehicle with less than 4 wheels
- sustained while using a covered auto as a public or livery conveyance
- losses covered under worker’s compensation
- while the insured is occupying a vehicle without the reasonable belief that they are entitled
- sustained while occupying a vehicle being used for a business
- during prearranged racing or speed event
- war
Part B
medical payments coverage casualty - medical & funeral expenses with in 3 years regardless of fault - occupying - as a pedestrain
other insurance clause - Part A
- coverage states that the company will pay only its share of loss that is also covered by other insurance
- pro rata
- (policy limits/ total limits) X loss
- driving a non-owned auto, auto is primary coverage
- insured’s policy is excess (if needed)
out- of- state liability coverage - Part A
higher of: policy limits
other states required limits
Part A
liability coverage
- may be written alone or with any of the other coverages
- damages for bodily injury or property damage that an insured becomes legally responsible for because of an auto accident
personal auto
casualty coverages liability medical payments uninsured/underinsured motorists property coverages collision comprehensive - now called 'other than collision'
financial responsibility laws - Part A
state- required proof of ability to pay for damages
usually mandated auto liability insurance
limits of liability - Part A
split limits
separate limits for BI and PD
combined single limit
limits vary by state
liability exclusions - Part A
- intentional injury or damage
- injury to an insured
- damage to property owned/transported by an insured
- injury to an employee
- using the vehicle as a taxi
- use of vehicle without permission
- vehicles with less than 4 wheels
- vehicles used for racing