Unit 1 Flashcards
Introduction to Insurance
a group of business from the same industry joining together to buy liability insurance from an insurance company, not insurers themselves
risk purchasing group
situation or factor that increases the chance of loss
transfer of risk from a person or business to an insurer
the larger the group, the more accurately future losses can be predicted
law of large numbers
contracts made by the agent are considered to be contracts of the principle
law of agency
home office is in another country
cause of loss
ex: house burns down = fire
insurance sold by unauthorized/nonadmitted insurers if on the states approved list of insurers
- only be sold to certain high risk insureds
- cannot be sold solely for a cheaper rate than licensed/admitted insurers
surplus lines
to make purchase recommendations that are appropriate, suitable in light of a clients particular needs, objectives, and circumstances
- what solutions can we provide to meet their needs?
suitability considerations
state where a company has its headquarters
insurance company not required to have a certificate of authority from the state
nonadmitted / unauthorized
individuals that sell the insurance products of several companies and are independent contractors, not employees of the insurers
- own the renewals of the polices they sell
independent insurance agents
no agent or producer involved
- policies sold directly to public by : direct mail, television, magazines, internet, radio, newspapers
direct response
what the agent’s written contract with the company says
express authority
unincorporated, members are required to pay an assessed amount if a loss to any member of the group occurs
managed by an attorney-in-fact
reciprocal insurer
state license for an insurance company
certificate of authority
state requires the insurance company to have a certificate of authority
admitted/ authorized
- owned by the policyholders (customers)
- dividend not guaranteed
- dividend is paid to policyholder
- dividend is not taxable; considered refund of premium
- issues participating policies
mutual insurer
type of risk
condition or situation that presents the/a possibility of loss
example: auto accident, house fire, lost luggage on a trip, pet biting the mailman, employee hurt on the job
risk must be similar in nature so the same factors affect the chance of loss (CANHAM)
H omogenous
premiums must be calculable based upon prior loss statistics for that particular risk in order to predict future losses (CANHAM)
C alculable
loss must have been caused due to chance (accident)
- intentional losses not covered (CANHAM)
A ccidental
a definite time and place
proof of loss must be established with numbers and dollar amounts (CANHAM)
M easurable
the premium for transferring the risk should be affordable for the average consumer (CANHAM)
A ffordable