Unit 7 Vocabulary Flashcards
Tectonic plates
Huge pieces of lithosphere that move around on top of the asthenosphere
The solid, soft layer of the mantle, between the mesosphere and lithosphere. Differences in temperature and pressure cause convection currents which provide the layer on which tectonic plates move
Convection currents
The circular motion of liquid or gas is caused by density differences that result from temperature differences such as convection of magma in earths mantle
Plate tectonics
The theory that the lithosphere is divided into tectonic plates that move around on top of the asthenosphere. This theory explains how moving plate shape
land features and how plate mention relates to earth processes such as volcanic eruptions
Wenger’s name for a supercontinent that existed about 245 million years ago, and from which all present-day continents are formed
Continental drift
The theory that today’s continents were once part of a single land mass that broke into pieces that drifted apart from one another into the present day locations. It also suggest they are still drifting
Seafloor spreading
The process by which a new organic lithosphere(sea floor crust)forms at mid ocean ridges. As the new crust forms, it pushes existing crust in the opposite direction away from the ridge
The process by which earth’s lithosphere pulls apart to form long, narrow, faulted a rift valleys and rift zones
Mid Ocean Ridge/raft zone
The most common type of divergent boundary. If located on the ocean floor it is called ridge, if located on land it is called a rift. Both types contain fault block mountains and volcanic mountains
The type of deformation that occurs when rock bend because of compression stress
The type of deformation that occurs when rocks break because of compression stress of tension stress
The process by which oceanic lithosphere sinks down into the asthenosphere at a convergent boundary
Divergent boundary
The boundary between two tectonic plates that are moving away from each other. Aka rift zone
Convergent boundary
The boundary between two colliding tectonic plates
Transform boundary
The boundary between two tectonic plates that are sliding past each other
Any change in a rocks shape or volume caused by compression, tension, or sheer stress
Volcanic mountains
Type of mountain that forms when magma ethos onto earths surface
Fault block mountains
Occur along divergent boundaries where faulting causes large blocks of earths crust to drop down relative to other blocks. They can sometimes occur along convergent boundaries where one block of rock is thrust over another block of rock
Folded mountains
Occur along convergent boundaries and where the bending of rock is due to compression stress of earths crust. The compression results in folding and faulting of rock that creates folded mountain belts
Stress that squeezes or shortens material such as rock. In places where rock is less rigid, compression creates folds. In places where the rock is more rigid, compression can create faults
Amount of force per unit area that is put on a rock
Sheer stress
A stress that occurs when two tectonic plates move side by side past one another, causing material to twist and become distorted
Stress that lengthens and pulls material such as rock apart. In places where tension is greater then the strength of the rock, the rock faults or breaks
Ocean trenches
Deepest landform found on the ocean floor. They are created along convergent boundaries where one plate is us ducted under another tectonic plate
Volcanic island arcs
These island chains are formed parallel to ocean trenches as the magma produced by subduction erupts as lava
Hot spots
Places where volcanic island chains form far from tectonic plate boundaries. At a hot spot, magma rises from deep within the earth and eventually builds an island. As the oceanic plates move, a new part of the crust is positioned over the hot spot and the process of island building begins. Older islands in the chain are located further away from the hot spot and the newer islands are closer
Tectonic setting
The position of a particular landform within a tectonic plate. The setting information should include the type of plates and tectonic boundary
The cool, rigid outermost layer of the earth that is divided into enormous pieces called tectonic plates