Unit 7 - Toward a sustainable world Flashcards
is usually referred to as the lack of deprivation of important basic needs of people
The condition of which everyone is able to access sufficient, safe, and nutritious food anytim
Food security
is the condition by which a person only has access, on a regular basis, to food that are insufficient in providing the required energy for a normal healthy lifestyle
monitor the state of hunger in the national and global levels to inform policy and actions where they are needed
Global hunger Index (GCI)
initiated by the institute of developmental science look three themes that measure governments political commitment in attaining food security
Hunger reduction commitment index (HRCI)
where there is coordinating body to address hunger and malnutrition
Institutional coordination
about priority actions of the government on hunger and malnutrition
Government intention and action
about the generation of scientific evidence in hunger and malnutrition as the basis for public policy
Analytical rigor
about the governments effort to innovate with policy approaches to eradicate hunger and malnutrition
Learning and adaption
how residents live in a particular area with previously agreed upon rights and responsibilities
Any lawful, social, or moral principle of autonomy or entitlement
an obligation or expectation to perform an action based on law, social norms or moral standard
belief that all people have rights and civic responsibilities based on the reason that they reside in the world
Global citizenship
are entitlements provided by a certain locality to its public contituents
Civil rights
are administrative entitlements provided by a specific government
Political rights
are entitlements related to public services and to social protection
Social rights
pertains to the obligation to register as a reserve force in the army
relates to the duty to pay a compulsory contribution to a state or government
refers to the obligation to take part in the community
belief that nations still exist and differ from one another.
Open global citizenship
Focuses on the ethical aspect of global citizentiship
Moral global citizenship
emphasizes the social and governmental systems and structures around the world
Sociopolitical global citizenship
he urger people to be educated in citizenship rights in order to question the hidden oppressive system that surround them
Paulo Freire