Unit 1&2 - Structures of Globalization Flashcards
Is a process of expanding various sociocultural and socioecological process from national to international and transcultural level
(Al-Rodhan, 2006)
is a measurement of flows and interconnections of a country to other global players through exchanges in trade, capital, people, and information
(Altman, 2018)
global connected index (GCI)
worlds most globally connected country
worlds most highly globally connected country
is seen as the process that focuses on the movement of trade, capital, and ideas
where almost half of the worlds extremely poor population lives ($1.90/day)
Sub-Saharan Africa
This index measures the flow of trade, capital, information, and people across countries
global connectedness index (GCI)
Mainly conceptualized as intensified transference or exchange of things across existing borders
An idea of prescribed path to attain development through certain set of activities, according to a defined vision
(Datu Kaylo Buluman, a Manobo leader)
development paradigms
is a complex global process of expanding the market economic system all throughout the world
economic globalization
The economic system that gives freedom to entrepreneurs to control productive process to pursue profit
market economy
are money lent to foreign businesses or governments
commercial loans
can be categorized as commercial loan, official loans, or foreign direct investment
foreign investment
refer to development aid or money granted by rich countries to developing nations
official flows
buying or putting up a firm in a foreign country or contributing to the enhancement of an existing firm
Foreign direct investment
business that operate in more than one country, preliminary undertake foreign direct investment
Transitional corporations
Apple, nestle, nike, amazon
refers to increasing “contact between people and their cultures-their ideas, values, ways of life”
Cultural globalization
enlargement of international political system and its establishments, where inter-regional dealings, including trade, are managed
Political globalization
usually happens between national political spheres in political globalization
conventional politics
Facilitate investment of capital for member countries. Funds large scale projects by providing loans for member countries
established during bretton woods conference in 1944
world bank
Provides short term emergency loans
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Help bring enormous flow of foreign money through loans and speculative invesment
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Create rules for global trade and investment/
Aim to reduce tariffs/
Create agreements for member countries regarding multilateral policies/
Encourages countries to deregulate economies
World Trade Organization (WTO)
Is met with disapproval from different groups such as labor organizations, environmental groups, and even consumer groups.
Lessens governments control over businesses
Economic deregulation
Expansion of national economies, the global market driven by modern technologies and institutional set ups that promotes faster and easier flow of goods and capital
Economic globalization
Denotes that the economies of various countries are more interconnected from extraction, production, distribution, consumption, to disposal of goods and services
Global economy
Are global financial institution that supports a country’s economic growth through support to governments and now other private sectors
International financial institution
International organization with 183 member countries that promotes international monetary cooperation and exchange stability to foster economic growth
International monetary fund
A system of non government institutions that operate across geographical borders for a common issue or cause
Global city society
is an “enterprise that engages in activities which add value in more than one country”
Global corporation
is based the theory of Wallerstein that recognizes that social and economic change is not only endogenous to a country, but is affected by its interaction to exogenous institutions, thus focus on world systems
World system
process of combining or increasing the interconnectivity of national economies to the regional or global economies
Economic integration
is driven by “growing scale of cross-border trade of commodities and services”
Economic globalization
separate production operation are functionally related to each other and form a unified product
Economic integration
Group of nations that serves as an advisory organization that discuss current economic and political problems
G8 and G20
Composed of individuals or groups disadvantaged by the effects of globalization of the world economy, they protest or seek alternative while on the other hand, global social movement constituting a basis for an alternative to a new world order
Global civil society
Is an institutional arrangement of governance that addresses regional or globalized issue that go beyond the scope of a nation-state
Global interstate system
puts emphasis on diversity and celebrates multiculturalism, while globalism focuses on economic aspect of changes
System of unequally powerful and competing states in which no single state is capable of imposing control on all others
Interstate system
Defined as political, economic, and cultural cooperation between nations
Is an ideology based on belief that flow of people, goods, and information should flow freely across national borders
is a process by which economies are becoming more independent and interconnected in terms of commodity flows including externalities and spillover impacts
Market integration
are institutions that provide support through loans or grants to promote a country’s economic development
International financial institutions
private institutions that produce or manufacture goods, products, and services for a more expanded market at the reach of regions
collective efforts to identify, understand, and address worldwide problems that go beyond the problem-solving capacities of states
Global governance
is an IGO designed to make the enforcement of international law, security, human rights, economic development easier for countries around the world
United nations
is the main decision making and representative assembly and is responsible for upholding the principles of UN through its policies. Composed of all member states headed by a president elected by member states
The UN general assembly
Authorizes the deployment of UN member state’s military
The UN security council
can settle, according to international law, legal disputes between states and give opinions on legal questions brought to it by UN organs and agencies
The international court justice
assist the UN general assembly in promoting economic and social development, as well as cooperation of member states
The economic and social council
headed by the secretary-general, provides studies, information, and other dates when needed by other UN branches for their meeting
The secretariat