Unit 5 - A world of ideas Flashcards
way of life manifested in tangible objects and intangible ideas we hold dear
culture that emerge due to proliferation of mass media; the intersection between media and culture
Media cultures
This way of life is manifested in objects, clothes and infrastructures
Material culture
our belief, traditions, practices are collectively known as_____
Non-material culture
are articulated in symbol or illustrations that convey meaning
illustrations that convey meaning
system of symbols that enable members of a society to communicate with one another
We learn culture from our homes and our communities through direct instruction from our parents or observation and participation in community affairs
Cultural socialization
interaction with people from other groups, we experience a different culture
Cultural exchange
adopt to a certain values and practices of the new culture
we tend to adopt the new culture only when we are in public
we begin to resemble the other people in the other group
is a term often used to refer to this dynamics of culture in the age of globalization
Cultural flow
This view suggest that there are barriers which shield cultures from being penetrated by external inputs.
Cultural differentialism
(Huntington - catastrophic collision)
combinations of global and local cultures when external inputs interact with internal inputs
Cultural hybridization
hybridized form that is unique from both its global and local orgins
making cultures across nation states a little more similar and homogenous
Cultural convergence
when cultures gradually impose themselves on other cultures
Cultural imperialism
when culture is not anymore tied to restrictions of geographical space where it originates
Unified system of beliefs and practice related to faith, the sacred, higher moral values
diminishing role of religion and society
Intermingling of universal and local religious beliefs
Glocalization of religion
affiliate to religion, to have positive social interaction with people
Affiliation motivation
religion as a form of coping with stressful situation
Religious coping
an outcome of the experience of the mystical and the divine and a celebration of their spirituality
Spiritual experience
The hypothesized demise of religion and its value in societies, manifested, for instance, separation of church and state
suggesting that demise of religion will happen alongside rise of modernization
Secularization hypothesis
Jewish experience of exile
when they were sent out from land of Israel, and scattered toward different parts of the world
when small group of shared identity maintains their cultural practices as long as it aligns with the larger society norms
Cultural pluralism
allowing other to abide by their own religious practices and belief, such as consenting the establishment of places of worship
Religious tolerance
extreme identification with a particular region
nonviolent tolerance
direct use of physical violence in pursuing subjectively defined religious matter
violent tolerance
The belief that there is one set of religious teachings that clearly contains the fundamental, basic, intrinsic, essential, inerrant truth about humanity and diety
Religious fundamentalism
flow of religious traditions in areas where these traditions are unfamiliar or unpopular, paving way for the emergence of transitional religions
A technique or process, or a material good emerging from the use of science in addressing human problem
Flow of technologies across border
Technology Diffusion
Where humanity was found a way to maximize the available resources that they can tap toward the advancement of their aspirations individually and collectively
Industrial revolution
used coal as their primary source of energy and created the steam engine
First industrial revolution
discovered oil and electricity and designed the internal combustion engine
Second industrial revolution
computers and robots are their main achievement. where nuclear energy and natural gas were found as potential source of energy
Third industrial revolution
goal is to maximize the use of green energies amidst the proliferation of the internet
Fourth industrial revolution
it makes human-computer interaction speedier and more reliable, making it possible to manage very important services such as transportation, healthcare and security
Internet Of Things (IOT)
can conduct medical procedures to a service user in another place
it allows more people to travel long distances at a cheaper rate than in the past
Aviation technology
environmental friendly architecture, to address ecological breakdown
Green architecture
renewable resources such as wind, hydropower, geothermal energy
Green energy
the allowable carbon emission that a country can have
Carbon credits
online platforms such as Lazada, Amazon, Shoppee
Stimulate human capacities through the use of computer and machines
Artificial intelligence
A multidimensional, pluralistic, and crosscutting concept referring to the way we live our everyday
where people are occupying more urban areas away from their traditional home settings
wherein import and export of processed food are being made available to territories , altering traditional food consumption
Foreign investment
is a valuable “subjective aesthetic experience”
widely recognized as an important part of life
Process of teaching and learning, the discipline concerned with facilitating transfer and exchange of knowledge, skills and belief
process of gauging whether one’s level of achievement is commensurate to the expected requirement for an academic degree
set of standards and competencies that serve as basis in evaluating educational qualifications between and among nation states
Qualifications framework
Individuals who has physically crossed an international border between two countries with the objective to participate in educational activities
Internationally mobile students
non-citizens who are currently enrolled in higher education degree courses
Foreign students
not necessarily moving into another country but are taking some units from a foreign universities
Credit-mobile students