What typeof ratio is recievables days
what do recievales dyas measure
how successfully managers acquire payments fromdebtors
sale may be made but money is not recieved yet due to trade credit becoming more popular B2B(OG, suppliers) and B2C
how to calculate recievables dyas
recievables/revenue x 365
recievables are
debtors are a
as recievables are debtors and debtors are acurrent asset where are recievables found
balance sheet
revenue is found on
Income statement
do we want R to be smaller or bigger than payables
why do we want R to be smaller than payables
receive debtors (£ in ) before paying out to suppliers
what are the benefts of a lower recievbale number (2)~
accrue interest as have cash for x days linger
Increases liquidity so cashflow better
but nowadays common for firms to do what and why
give credit
ncrease sales
what is credit used as
marketing ploy
if credit to customers is introduced by a firm what happens to reciebales days
what explain how trqde credit is abenfit for fimrs
Induce sales from customers as now able to afford product which they couldn’t without trade credit
key analysis about trade credit
peer pressure lol
3 marks
Pressures to do it as if customers cant afford you atm go to rival
this can reduce your market share
So consider it in balance f introduced to bs as may make em more competitive/ able to compete in LT
Higher receivable days suggests cash/liquidity issue so may need to use
debt factogin