Unit 7 (ch. 22+26) Flashcards
Uniqueness of the Crimean war
Covered by correspondents an photographer
Cause of the Crimean war
- Russia wanted territory in ottoman
- ottoman give holy sites to Roman Catholic Church
- Russia invaded Moldova and Wallachia to protect orthodox Christian
Nations involved in Crimean war
Britain, France, Ottoman vs. Russia
Facts about Florence nightingale
- founder of modern nursing
- “lady with the lamp”
- help increase survivor rate
- field hospital during Crimean war
Effects of the Crimean war
Discredit Russian invincibility and concert of Europe
Reforms of the Ottoman Empire
1) Tanzimat “reorganization”
- liberal economy, end tax farming, eliminating corruption, abolish torture
2) 1879 constitution
- political + technology accounted European strength
- parliament appointment chamber of deputies and an elected senate
3) young Turks
- reform officers; modernize empire
Nationalist leaders of Italy and heir significance
1) Mazzini: soul
2) garibaldi: sword
3) Cavour: head
4) Emmanuel (Piedmont) magnet
Count Camilo Cavour and philosophical parallels
- consecutive turned liberal
- nationalism
- anti republic
- industrialism
- Machiavelli: ends justify means
Political ideology and form of government favored by Cavour
- constitutional monarchy: economic and material progress would earn Italian sovereignty
- moderate conservative
Agreement of 1858 between Cavour and Napoleon III
Pact of plombieres
- after attempt assassination on Napoleon III, Napoleon will provoke war with Austria
Circumstance leading to Venetia’s incorporation into Italian unification
Astro- Prussian war
- alliance of Prussia and Italy
Role of Sardinia- Piedmont in Italian unification
Buffer state between France and Austria that led the way
Cavour’s keys to unification of Italy
1) industrious/economic independence
2) foreign intervention (especially France)
3) national socialist
Facts about/ significance/ role of Garibaldi in Italian unification
- United southern Italy (Sicily + Naples)
- wanted republic
- exhibition of the 1,000
- nationalism won over republicanism
Birth of Italy as a nation date
Otto Von Bismarck
- “old blood + iron” “iron chancellor”
- Machiavellian
- liberal + reactionary to conservative
- junker
- problems would be sortied by war + industry
- German unification w/out Austria
Two strongest rival states of the German confederation
Austria and Prussia
Evidence that Bismarck’s was a pragmatist (quote)
” not by speeches or majority vote that the great questions of our time will be decided as that our errors of 1848-49, but rather by iron and blood”
Reasons for Bismarck’s embrace of German nationalism
- took conservative measures to discredit liberal (wouldn’t help fund military
- if Germany achieves unification conservatively, than it’ll discredit liberals
Most important political ideology of (date)
- German unification
Cause of the Danish war of 1864
Shleswig- Holstein problem
- Denmark wanted to annex ^
- Prussia and Austria helped defeat Denmark
Effects of 7 weeks war
“Austro- Prussian war”
- Austria defeated + left out of German affairs
- Prussian dominates north German confederation
Houses of the north Germany confederation government
1) Bundestrat: federal council (members appointed by gov. of state)
2) reichstage: House of Commons (elected universal male suffrage)
- Wilhelm I: president
- Bismarck: chancellor
The Bads- Ems telegram
- Wilhelmina to Bismarck
- Bismarck published (alter) it making it seem as though Prussia is insulting France)
- sparked Franco- Prussian war
Franco Prussian war
- Prussia won
- Napoleon II exile to England
- south joined northern confederation to help defeat France
France rollers since 1789
- Louis XVI
- Napoleon I
- Louis XVIII
- Charles X
- Louis Philippe
- Napoleon III
- Adolph Thiers
- Patrice de MacMahon
Paris commune
- municipal government of Paris eventually crushed by National Assembly
- experimental socialist gov. after fall of French Republic
Impact of emergence of German empire
- strong stable nation in center all Europe that could threaten other countries
- Austria lose power
- France weakened
- Britain compete with Austria
Dreyfus affair
- Jewish Dreyfus founded guilty for passing secretly info to German army
- forged
- Emile Zola published J’accuse (I accuse)
- brought different groups of liberals against conservative
Facts about 19c. Habsburg empire
- problem to itself and Europe
- dynastic, absolute, agrarian
The Ausgleich of (date)
- compromise between Austria and Hungary “dual alliance”
Czech trialism and opposition to it
Triple monarchy, opposed by Magyars
Reforms do Alexander II
Date when he end serfdom
1) social: abolish serfdom 1861; redemption payment
2) administrative: communes (eldest) zemstvos (landlords)
3) judicial: equality before law
4) military: from 25-15 yrs of service; 6 yrs active
5) Poland: Russification (take over Poland)
Problems of serfdom in Russia
- noneffective (economy)
- dangerous (revolts)
- ineffective military
- viewed immoral
Impact that emancipation had on Russia
- failed (no support)
- Assassination attempt on Tsar Alexander
- became reactionary ^
- Russia became a police state
- stoke Alaska
Relationship of Poland with Russia prior to WWI
- Russia attacks Szlachta
- Russification: emposed Russian culture
Revolutionary groups in Russia during the reign of Tsar Alexander II
- Alexander Herzen News paper article “the bell”
- polulism movement
- land and freedom “the people’s will”
Significance of William Gladstone’s ministry
- father a British liberalism
- opportunities based on merit
- abolished purchasing officer position
- Secret ballets
- education act
- for Irish home rule
Facts about Benjamin Disraeli
- protect from class conflicts
- public health act: gov. interfere to ensure citizens well-being
- artisan housing act: housing for working class
Ireland’s movement for home rule
- Irish autonomy for local government and land management
- Charles Stuart Parnell: gathered 85 Irish consituent into a voting block
- Home rule bill of 1912
Significance of new German Empire in Europe
- Newness of diplomatic relation
- resources, industrial economy, strong military
- New rival: Britain
- Austria weakened
- France a republic
- backwardness of Russia weakened
Bismarck’s goal for Germany
- “honest broker”
- Prevent war that could threaten German gains in it’s unification
Facts about Russo Turkish war
- Russia seize Black Sea region
- alarmed Austria and Britain
- treaty of San Stefano
- free Slavic of Turkish rule
1) Three emperors league:
2) Triple Alliance:
3) Dual alliance:
4) Entente cordials:
5) Triple entente:
1) Germany, Austria, Russia
2) Germany, Austria Hungary, Italy
3) Germany, Austria Hungary
4) France, Britain
5) France, Britain, Russia
facts about kaiser William II and political goals
- believed in Devine rights
- wanted recognition/ equality with Britain
- wanted navy and colonies like Britain (against Bismarck’s policy)
- dismissed Bismarck
The power keg of Europe
Factors that lead to WWI
Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
Impact of 2 Morocco crisis
- France vs Germany
- France gave territory in African
Congo to Germany - Britain and France stronger than ever
Facts and significance about the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
June 28, 1914
- black hand “unity of death” member Gavrilo Princpi shot him
Response from the dual alliance and triple entente following the assassination of Francis Ferdinand
Dual "central": - Germany: blank check to Austria - Austria: ultimatum (impossible to meet) declared war on Serbia Triple "Allie": - Russia: mobilize troops - France: blank check to Austria - Britain: International diplomats
First country to mobilize against Russia
The Schieffen plan
- Germany plan to prevent two front war
- hoping Belgium will let them in
Reasons Germany was blame for the war
- Declared war
- blank check to Austria
- bad allies
Potential numbers of trained/equipped soldiers available for countries in the war
- Britain: 711,000
- Russia: 1,200,000
- Germany: 2,200,000
- Italy: 750,000
- France: 1,250,000
- U.S.: 150,000
- Austria-Hungary: 810,000
Facts/characteristics/ battles of the Western front
- Battle of the Marne
- trench warfare
- Wilfred Owen: dulce decorum est “sweet and fitting it is”
Weapons used during the WWI
Machine guns, artillery, poison gas, big Bertha, tank, airplanes, submarines (u- boats) zeppelin
New entries into the war starting in 1915 and the side they joined
- central: ottoman, Bulgaria
- Allie: Romania, Italy, Japan
Colonel T. E. Lawrence and his role during WWI
- Stirred Arab nationalistic revolts against Ottoman Empire
- nicknamed Lawrence of Arabia
Factors about the battle of Gallipoli
- British attacked ottoman
- Allie failed
- wanted to open supply lines with Russia
- lead by Winston Churchill
- New Zealand and Australia joins
Reasons for US country in WWI
- sinking of Lusitania (128 us died)
- Zimmerman’s note (Germany will help Mexico gain territory if help)
- Russian revolution (Russia out)
Woodrow Wilson’s view of WWI
“to make war safer for democracy”
Cause of the March revolution in Russia
- tsar Nicolas II collapsed
- Bolsheviks seized power over provisional gov.
- monarchy ability to govern sucked
Significance of Rasputin in Russian political affairs
Undermined the position of the tsar and his government after 1911
Facts about the Bolshevik
- lead by Lenin “peace, bread and land”
- demanded all political power go to soviets
- ruled Russia after armed assault on provisional gov.
Description and significance of Soviets
Local economic and political council organized by peasants ❓
Actions of Bolshevik after seizing power
- red army disbursed national constituents
- took Russia out of war
- turned gov. over to peasants
Treaty of Brest- Litovsk
- Russia peace with Germany
- Russia out, US in
- Germany thought they can focus on the Western front now
Last German offensives
- allies launched counter offense
- failed
- in Western front
- 2nd battle of Marne
Casualties of WWI
- 10 million died, 20 million wounded
- central: 4 million killed
- Allie: 5 million killed
- innocent: 1 million killed
effects of the war
1) casualties
2) political: colonial power
3) economic: Europe become debtor instead of creditor
4) USA: strongest and most stable country
5) communism
6) fascism
7) WWII: WWI mother to WWII
Results/effects of treaty of Versailles and sevres regarding the Ottoman Empire
Facts about the Greco- Turkish war
- Greeks wanted to overtake turks
- mustafa Kemal “ attaturk”
- defeated Greeks, 1923: Greek independent
The “ big four”
1) Woodrow Wilson: USA
2) David Lloyd George: I.K
3) George Clemenceau: France
4) Vittorio Orlando: Italy
Obstacles two peace face by the “big four”
1) publicity: Accounted to public opinion
2) Woodrow Wilson: idealist principle of 14 point
3) nationalism: Others wanted
4) The victors: Secret treaty promises weren’t met
5) bolshevism
6) treaty of Versailles
7) League of Nations
The terms demanded of Germany in the Treaty of Versailles
Treaty of Versailles date
- sold Saar to pay for war
- rhines: buffer zones, no Armed Forces (lasted for 15 yrs)
- disarming: no more than 100,000 troops
- limited: Navy, submarines, warplanes, tanks, poison gas
Facts about the league of Nations
- Britain, France, Italy, Japan, US
- to respect and preserve territorial integrity
- non-affective: no military or Armed Forces
Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points
1) self determination: individual groups determine types of nation
2) Open diplomacy: no secret alliances
3) freedom of seas
4) disarming of military
5) internal peacekeeping organization: League of Nations
WWI and it’s impact on European colonialism
Criticisms regarding the terms of the Paris peace settlement/ treaty of Versailles
1) John Maynard Keynes: “economic consequences of peace”
- attacked Treaty of Versailles, saying it will lead to WWII
2) France: punishment weren’t harsh enough; didn’t like alliance with Britain
3) England + US: too harsh
German unification date
Italian unification date
Morocco crisis date
1905- 1911
Balkan war date
1912- 13
Russian Revolution date
March and November 1917
Creation of turkey date