Unit 7 Flashcards
Temporal Locus is to Latency, as Temporal Extent is to_____
What type of measurement?
-You time how long I scratch my head.
A. Continuous
B. Discontinuous
A. Continous
Fundamental Property: Temporal Locus
Dimensional Quantity: Latency
Fundamental Property: Temporal Locus
Dimensional Quantity: Latency
Measurement: Time
Fundamental Property: Temporal Extent
Dimensional Quantity: Duration
Fundamental Property: Temporal Extent
Dimensional Quantity: Duration
Measurement: Time
Fundamental Property: Repeatability
Dimensional Quantity: Countability
Fundamental Property: Repeatability
Dimensional Quantity: Countability
Measurement: # of responses
Fundamental Property: Repeatability X Temporal Locus
Dimensional Quantity: IRT (Inter-response Time)
Fundamental Property: Repeatability X Temporal Locus
Dimensional Quantity: IRT (Inter-response Time)
Measurement: Time/# of responses
Fundamental Property: Repeatability X Temporal Locus
Dimensional Quantity: Rate
Fundamental Property: Repeatability X Temporal Locus
Dimensional Quantity: Rate
Measurement: # of responses/Time
Fundamental Property: Repeatability X Temporal Locus
Dimensional Quantity: Celeration
Fundamental Property: Repeatability X Temporal Locus
Dimensional Quantity: Celeration
Measurement: Change in rate/Time OR # of responses/Time/Time
IRT can be estimated because the formula is the inverse of the __ formula
IRT can be estimated because the formula is the inverse of the RATE formula.
Estimating IRTs formula:
Estimating IRTs formula:
Recording Interval/Count
*remember 60 minutes=1 hour
3600 seconds=1 hour
Rate Formula?
What are some examples of discontinuous measures:
- Trials to Criterion
- Whole Interval Recording
Which of the following is the best measure to use?
-Aggression that occurs about every other day for brief periods of time.
IRT recording
Which of the following is the best measure to use?
-I want to measure how many children in a group are working on math sheets.
Which of the following is the best measure to use?d
-Low frequency, long duration self-injury.
Whole Interval Recording
Which of the following is the best target for a permanent product? A. screaming while in a movie theater B. customer greeting C. head slaps D. Math problems completed correctly
D. Math problems completed correctly
Total Count Interobserver Agreement Formula?
(Smaller/Larger) X 100
Percent Agreement Interobserver Agreement Formula?
(Agreements/Agreements+Disagreements) X 100
Interval-by-Interval Interobserver Agreement Formula?
(Number of intervals agreed/(number of interval agreed + number of intervals disagreed)) X 100
When do we place Multiple Targets on One Graph?
- targets are related (co-occur)
- if all accel or decel targets (assuming similar scales)
- if all scaled approximately the same (or use dual axes)
Tracking two targets on one graph is easiest if they:
-occur at about the same rate
Tracking targets that occur together:
Must be assessed in each case
Multiple dimensions on a single graph are beneficial if:
- dimensions scaled approximately equally (or use multiple axes)
- data paths are sufficiently separate to allow visual analysis