Unit 7 Flashcards
An estimate of how many children in the United States are involved in sports
45 million
Peak participation occurs between the ages of how old
10 and 13 years old
What are the different reasons for children participating in sports
Have fun, improve skills, get exercise, be with and make new friends, and compete
Spending time together
Enjoying being around ones friends
Pleasant play association
Having friends say things or take actions that boost ones self esteem
Enhancement of self esteem
Providing assistance in learning sport skills as well as general assistance, such as in school
Help and guidance
Saying and doing things that conform to social convention, such as sharing or not saying negative things
Pro social behavior
Mutual feelings of close, personal bonds
Expressing feelings of concern for one another; absence of conflicts
Emotional support
Ability of friends to resolve conflicts
Conflict resolution
Positive characteristics such as personality or physical features
Attractive personal qualities
The best sports situation for kids
Children experience more state anxiety after losing than after winning.
Defeat versus victory
The best sports situations for kids.
The more importance is placed on a contest, the more state anxiety is experienced by participants
Event importance
The best sports situation for kids.
Children in individual sports experience more state anxiety than children in team sports
Sport type
What can coaches do dealing with sports situations with kids?
- give praise sincerely
- be enthusiastic
- develop realistic expectations
- reads correct technique not just outcome
What can parents do ?
- encourage your children to play sports, but don’t pressure them
- understand what our child wants from sport and provide a supportive atmosphere
- set limits on your child’s participation in sport
- help your child set realistic performance goals
- help your child meet his or her responsibilities to the team and coach
What is aggression ?
Any form of behavior directed toward the goal of harming or injuring another living being
What are the causes of aggression ?
- Instinct theory: an instinct to be aggressive that builds up until expressed
- social learning theory: aggression learned through observing others
- frustration aggression hypothesis: result of frustration because of goal blockage or failure
- revised frustration aggression theory: combines elements of frustration, aggression theory with social learning theory.
Many athletes view aggression as inappropriate in general but appropriate in sport environment this is called bracketed morality
Game reasoning and aggression
Evidence and amassing to show that aggressive play is related to athletic injuries
Aggression and athletic injuries
Professionals must decide if they value enhanced performance as the cost of increased aggression
Athletic performance and aggression
Team norms also contribute to the moral atmosphere that influences aggression in athletes as well as coach and peer influences
Team Moral atmosphere and aggression
Sport specific aggression determinants include athletes behaving aggressively because
Someone has committed aggression against them and they want to show how tough they are