Unit 6:Soviet Montage Flashcards
Battle of the Potemkin
A synonym for editing.
Kuleshov effect
is a mental phenomenon by which viewers derive more meaning from the interaction of two
sequential shots than a single shot in isolation.
Creative Geography
creating a unified space out of shots made in various widely separated locations (eyeline
matches help unify the space).
Dialectical Montage
the effect when two shots are juxtaposed that reflect some kind of conflict and has the
potential to make an abstract concept tangible.
Example: poor treatment of sailors is indicated by juxtaposing shots of them filing into
mess hall with shots of maggots in the food being prepared for them.
Dialectical Montage
Discontinuity editing
Any alternative system of joining shots together using techniques unacceptable within
continuity editing principles. Possibilities include mismatching of temporal and spatial relations,
violations of the axis of action, and concentration on graphic relationships.
Techniques of Soviet Montage
Non-diegetic inserts
• Overlapping editing
• Elliptical Editing
• Graphic and Rhythmic Editing
In a narrative film, the world of the film’s story.
The diegesis includes events that are presumed to have occurred and actions and spaces not
shown onscreen.
A term used for any narrative sound or visual element not contained in the story world. Also
called “extradiegetic.
Non-diegetic insert:
a shot or series of shots cut into a sequence, showing objects represented as being outside the
space of the narrative.
Overlapping Editing
The second shot repeats part or all of the action from the previous shot.
When several shots contain such repetitions, the time an action takes on screen expands
Elliptical Editing
a portion of the event is left out, so the event takes less time than it would in reality.
Graphic Match
Two successive shots joined so as to create a strong similarity of compositional elements (e.g.
colour, shape). Also called a match cut.
Graphic Editing
Graphic elements of a shot: shapes, colour, overall composition, or movement in a shot A may
be picked up in shot B.
Graphic contrasts
Montage filmmakers carried conflictual editing further by creating striking graphic contrasts
from shot to shot.
A cut might bring a distinct directional change in the composition.
Ways a director may present a scene or sequence:
series of short shots
• few long takes
• one single shot
The tempo at which the film seems to move.
It is determined by the duration of individual shots and the style of editing.
• Other elements such as mise-en-scene and cinematography can also effect the rhythm
and flow of the film.
Rhythmic editing
the organization of the editing according to different paces or tempos determined by
how quickly cuts are made.
When the filmmaker adjusts the length of shots in relation to one another, she or he is
controlling the rhythmic potential of editing.
Actors were not chosen for their acting ability but for how well they looked the part.
the exposure of more than one image on the same film strip or in the same shot.
a round, moving mask that can close down to end a scene (iris-out) or emphasize a detail, or
that can open to begin a scene (iris-in) or to reveal more space around a detail.
an opaque screen placed in the camera or printer that blocks part of the frame and changes
shape of the photographed image, leaving pat of the frame a solid color.
Intertitles two types
–“and then Mary returned home where her awaited her.”
“Wait, don’t leave. I love you.
Soviet MOntage
long takes, intricate staging