Unit 4: Lighting Flashcards
Film: Days of heaven
4 major features of lighting
- Source
- Quality
- Direction
- Colour
Sources of Lighting:
outdoor/natural light
•indoor/artificial light
Lighting quality refers to
the relative intensity of illumination:
Hard Lighting
•creates clearly defined shadows, crisp textures, and sharp edges
Soft Lighting
•creates a diffused illumination
Magic hour
the time after sunset but before dark or the time of increasing light before sunrise.
direction of lighting in a shot refers to
the path of light from its source or sources to the
object lit.
Direction of Lighting
- Frontal lighting
- Side lighting
- Backlighting
- Underlighting
- Top lighting
Frontal lighting:
•Illumination directed into the scene from near the camera.
Side lighting:
Lighting coming from one side of a person or object, usually in order to create a sense of
volume, to bring out surface tensions, or to fill in areas left shadowed by light from another
•Illumination from a point below the figures in the scene
Top Lighting
•Lighting from above a person or object, usually in order to outline the upper areas of the figure
or to separate it more clearly from the background.
•Illumination cast onto the figures in the scene from the side opposite the camera, usually
creating a thin outline of highlighting on those figures.
Three-point lighting:
A common arrangement using three directions of light on a scene: from behind the subjects (backlighting), from one bright source (key light), and from a less bright source balancing the key light (fill light).
Key Light:
•The most intense light in a scene.
Fill Light
•Illumination from a source less bright than the key light used to soften deep shadows in a scene.
Backlight/Rim Light/Kicker:
•An intense light source placed behind a subject that strikes the subject along the edge.
Eye lights
•are aimed directly into the eyes of an actor to produce a gleam in the eye.
Low-key lighting
•illumination that creates strong contrast between light and dark areas of the shot, with deep
shadows and little fill light.
•often adds dramatic or mysterious effect
•good examples, crime films, horror films
how is low key lighting produced
•is produced by increasing the intensity of the key light relative to the fill.
in low-key lighting, the lighting ratio (key/fill) is
between 16:1 and 32:1.
High key lighting
Illumination that creates comparatively little contrast between the light and dark areas of the
•refers to a lighting design in which the key to film ratio is 2:1 or lower.
•eliminates virtually all of the shadows cast by the key light
•tends to create a hopeful mood (comedies, cheery scenes)
Natural Key Light
- also called normal lighting
- ratio of key to fill light between 4:1 and 8:1.
- fill light is no longer able to eliminate every shadow
Day for Night
the practice of shooting during the day but using filters and underexposure to create the illusion
of nighttime.
•the use of deep gradations and subtle variations of lights and darks within an image
refers to the amount of light striking the emulsion layer of the film stock.
•an effect created when too little light strikes the film during shooting.
•As a result the image will contain dark areas that appear very dense and dark (including
shadows) and the overall contrast will be less than with a properly exposed image
•An effect created when more light than is required to produce an image strikes the film stock, so
that the resulting image exhibits high contrast, glaring light, and washed out shadows.