Unit 6: Chapter 20 Flashcards
What was the Red Scare
A period in the late 1910’s and early 1920’s when radical socialist/communist citizens were bombing government buildings and officials to further their agenda
What was Americas foreign policy in the 1920’s?
Define the Term: Washington Naval Conference
The first meeting to address the ongoing building up of various countries navies?
What country was most displeased with the Washington Naval Conference and why?
Japan, because their navy was given less room to grow than Britain’s
Define the Term: Kellogg-Briand Pact
Outlawed War
What was the fundamental flaw of the Kellogg-Briand Pact?
You can’t enforce outlawing war without going to war.
What were the economic conditions between Germany, the Allies, and the United States?
Germany owed the allies reparations, The allies owed the United States money for support, the United States invested in Germany through loans which Germany also had to pay back
What was the proposed solution to the economic spiral post WWI?
The Dawes Plan reduced German reparations and lowered interest on Allied war debts
What was the economic policy of the 1920’s
Define the Term: Laissez-Faire
“To let alone” free-enterprise economy with minimal government intervention
Who were the 3 Presidents (in order) in the 1920’s
Warren G Harding
Calvin Coolidge
Herbert Hoover
What major scientific theory gained traction in the 1920’s?
Theory of Relativity
What was the effect of the 18th Amendment?
Increased the crime rate/criminal activity
What is the nickname for 1920-1929?
The Roaring 20’s?
Who was the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic?
Charles A. Lindergh
What group from reconstruction saw a rise in the 1920’s?
Ku Klux Klan
What industry arose in the 1920’s in response to American materialism?
Credit/borrowing/installment plans
What invention became ubiquitous in the households for entertainment?
The Radio
Define the Term: Bull Market
A market characterized by optimism and growth
Define the Term: Bear Market
A market characterized the pessimism and declining stock prices
Define the Term: Speculation
Buying something with the intention of selling it for a profit later
What led up to the stock market crash?
Borrowing on Margin
Banks calling loans
What event marks the stock market crash?
Black Tuesday
When did the stock market crash?
October 29th 1929 - Black Tuesday