unit 6 Flashcards
how are changes in the environment detected (stimuli)
detected by receptors
initiation of nerve impulses
then leads to a response
by effectors
what could effectors be
endocrine glands - secretes hormones
brings response to stimulus
endocrine system
involves release of hormones
secreted by endocrine glands
hormones travel to target cells
affecting their activity
the responses are slow + long lasting
what is the nervous system divided into
- CNS (central)
- PNS (peripheral)
what can PNS be further divided into
- autonomic nervous system
-voluntary nervous system
*know divisions of nervous system
3 main types of nerve cells
- sensory neurones
- motor neurones
- relay neurones
function of sensory neurones
have receptors which are stimulated by specific stimulus
impulse transmitted along this neurone to CNS
function of motor neurones
transmits impulses to appropriate effector (muscle/gland)
function of relay neurones
transmit impulses between sensory + motor neurones
found in CNS
also known as intermediate/ coordinator neurones
need to know structure of myelinated motor neurone
see on phone folder
function of cell body in motor neurone
contains nucleus + most cell organelles
function of axon
conducts nerve impulses
may be myelinated or unmyelinated
function of myelin sheath
consists of mainly lipid
surrounds axon
formed from schwann cells
provides electrical insulation
what are nodes of ranvier
gaps in myelin sheath along the axon
where impulse can occur
synaptic knobs
allow communication with other neurons/ effectors
transmits impulse to effector
what do dendrites do
connect w other neurones
what do schwann cells do
secrete myelin (phospholipid)
to form myelin sheath
what is a reflex
rapid, automatic response to a stimulus
what is a reflex arc
pathway taken by impulses during a reflex action
how are the neurones involved in simple reflex
- receptor detect the stimulus + transmit impulse along the sensory neurone to brain or spinal chord (CNS)
- sensory neurone synapses with a relay neurone , passing impulse to motor neurone
- impulses transmitted along motor neurone to effector e.g muscle (effector) removes hand from hot object (stimulus)