Unit 6 Flashcards
Dè do chor?
How are you? (informal) /tsche də chor/
deagh chor or cor math
I’m well /dscho chor or kor ma/
Droch chor
I’m in bad form (whatever that’s supposed to mean) /droch-chor/
to (preposition) /do/
causes lenition!
from (preposition) /vo/
causes lenition!
closed /duuintsche/
open /fosgiltsche/
small l not big i
full /laan/
empty /fallaf/
in some cases /fallu/
dà fhichead
40 /~da-iched/
literally: 2x 20 lol
dà dhichead ‘s a h-aon
41 /da iched sa-höün/
literally: 2x 20 and 1
50 /~l/yechət/
literally: leth = half and c(h)eud = hundred haha
lethcheud ‘s a h-aon
51 /liechəts ahöun/
trì fichead
60 /tri fiched/
literally: 3x 20
trì fichead ‘s a h-aon
61 /tri ficheds a höun/
trì fichead ‘s a deich
70 /tri ficheds a tscheych/
literally: 3x 20 and 10
ceithir fichead
80 /kehär fiched/
literally: 4x 20
ceithir fichead ‘s a dhà-dheug
92 /kehär ficheds a ~gya-ieug/
litterally: 4x 20 and 12
100 /kiət/
’s a
(with numbers)
Example: dà fhichead ‘s a h-aon
agus a = and
Example: 2x 20 AND one
(an) doras [m]
(the) door /ən doras/
(am) baga [m]
(the) bag /am baga/
(am) biadh [m]
(the) food /am biag/
(an t-)aran [m]
(the) bread /arən/
(an t-)uisge [m]
(the) water /ischge/
(an) gille [m]
(the) boy/lad /gille/
(an) rathad [m]
(the) road /raat/
(an) lagh [m]
(the) law /loach/
(an) cuspair [m]
(the) subject /kəspər/
like topic or area of specialisation
(an) cànan
(the) language /canən/
(am) bràthair
(the) brother /brahər/
(an) cù
(the) dog /ku/
Chan eil fhios a’m
I don’t know /chan el es akəum/
Chan eil mi a’ tuigsinn
I don’t understand /Chan el mi a-tödschin/
can a-rithist e
say it again /kan a-ri-ischtscht-e/ (i think?)
ok or yup (like a general noise of agreement) /scheog/