Unit 5 Flashcards
Cò às a tha thu/sibh?
Where are you from? /ko as a tha-u/ko as a ha schiv/
Tha mi à/as …
I am from … /ha mi a/
always /ən-ko-ai/
heard (past tense) /chuola/
as in - I heard this (because someone told me about it) but also as in I physically heard something happen
said (past tense) /hurscht/
an cuala?
did … hear? /an-kuole/
cha chuala
didn’t hear /cha-chuala/
an tuirt
did … say … ? /an-durscht/
cha tuirt
… didn’t say … /cha-durscht/
how? /kəmera/
who? or which? /ko/
fichead’s a h-aon
21 /ficheds a h-öun/
fichead ‘s a dhà
22 /ficheds a ~r/g/daa/
fichead ‘s a trì
23 /ficheds a tri/
fichead ‘s a ceithir
24 /ficheds a kehär/
fichead ‘s a còig
25 /ficheds a koeg/
fichead ‘s a sia
26 /ficheds a schia/
fichead ‘s a seachd
27 /ficheads a scheachgk/
fichead ‘s a h-ochd
28 /ficheds a hochgk/
fichead ‘s a naoi
29 /ficheds a nöe/
fichead ‘s a deich or trichead
30 /ficheads a tscheych or triched/
fichead ‘s a h-aon deug
31 /ficheds a höun-tschiög/
Literally: 20 and 11
How is present tense usually expressed in Gaelic?
substantive + verbal noun
tha, gu bheil, nach eil, chan eil
Example: Tha mi ag obair. = I am working.
glè, sàr, fior
Examples: glè mhòr, sàr mhath & fior bheag
intensifiers for adjectives /le, sar, fiar/
lenition! least to most intense probaly: glè - fior - sàr
Exmaples: very big, excellent & very little
B’ àilleabh
pardon, sorry, excuse me /bällach/