Unit 1 Flashcards
is mise
I am /is mische/
is essan
he is /is ässan/
is ise
she is /is ische/
Example: Thuirt Alicia gur e peann a th’ ann.
that (gur with copula) /guirr/
Example: Alicia said THAT it is a pen.
Example: Chan e càr a th’ ann.
negation particle (chan with copula) /chan/; (direct as in I, she, you … say xy is NOT …)
Example: It is not a car.
an, am, a
Example: An e taigh a th’ ann?
question particle
Example: Is it a house?
Example: Thuirt Alicia nach e càr a th’ ann.
negation particle (indirect as in xy said it is NOT …)
Example: Alicia said it is NOT a car.
this or here /sho/
that or there (fairly near speaker) /schin/
that or there (further away as in: that over there) /shit/
Dè tha seo?
What‘s this? /tsche ha scho/
Dè tha sin?
What‘s that? /tsche ha schin/
Dè tha siud?
What‘s that (over there)? /tsche ha shit/
(an) càr [m]
(the) car /ən kar/
(an) leabhar [m]
(the) book /ən lior/
(an) taigh [m]
(the) house /ən taich/
(am) peann [m]
(the) pen /əm pijaon/
(am) bòrd [m]
(the) table /əm borscht/
(a‘) chathair [f]
(the) chair /əh chahət/
Example: Thuirt Alicia gur e bòrd a th’ ann.
said (past tense) /huirscht/
Example: Alicia SAID that it is a table.
Example: Is mise Alicia.
am, is are (=> to be; copula) /is/
Example: My name is Alicia.
An e … a th‘ ann?
Example: An e peann a th’ ann?
Is it a … ? /an-ne … a haun/
Example: Is it a pen?
Is e or ‘S e … a th‘ ann.
Example: ‘S e peann a th’ ann.
It is a … (positive statement) /sche … a haun/
Exmaple: It is a pen.
Chan e … a th‘ ann.
Example: Chan e peann a th’ ann.
It is not a … (negative statement) /chan e … a haun/
Example: It is not a pen.
Thuirt xy gur e … a th‘ ann.
Xy said that it is a … (positive indirect statement) /hurscht xy gurr-e … a haun/
Thuirt xy nach e … a th‘ ann.
Xy said that it is not a … (negative indirect statement) /hurscht xy nach e … a haun/
Tapadh leibh!
Thank you! (for plural or formal) /ta ch pa-lief?/ I think lol
Madainn mhath!
Good morning! /matin va/
Glè mhath!
Very good! /gle va/
can also be used to state “I am feeling very good” not just compliment/praise
Gabh mo leisgeul?
Excuse me? or pardon? /gav mo n,leschko/
Mar sin leibh!
Goodbye! /marr schin lief/
Goodbye /tschiri/
Cò tha seo?
Who is this? /ko ha scho/
Dè an t-ainm a (tha) th‘ ort?
What‘s your name? (informal) /tsche entemen a horscht/
Ciamar a tha thu?
How are you? /kimera əhaa-u/
Tha gu math
(when you‘re feeling) fine or okay /ha gu ma/
Chan eil dona
(when you‘re feeling) not bad /chan-el donna/
Feasgar math!
Good afternoon/evening! /fesker ma/
Oidhche mhath!
Good night! /eichje va/
Tìoraidh an-dràsta!
Bye for now! /tschiri ən-drasta/
Ciamar a tha thu fhèin?
~ and yourself? (asking someone how they are feeling back after having been asked yourself) /kimera ə-ha-u heen/
and (conjunction) /agus/
but (conjunction) /ach/
a tha ann or a th’ ann
specifies noun as indefinite / a haun/
indefinite => could be any pen, house, teacher etc. and not talking about one specific one (that would be definite)
a tha ann or a th’ ann
specifies noun as indefinite / a haun/
indefinite => could be any pen, house, teacher etc. and not talking about one specific one (that would be definite)