Unit 6 Flashcards
A practice in which realtors persuade white homeowners in a neighborhood to sell their homes by convincing them that the neighborhood is declining due to black families moving in
The displacement of lower-income residents by higher-income residents as an area or neighborhood improves
World city
A world center of trade, finance, information, and migration
The population of a settlement is inversely proportional to its rank in the urban hierarchy
New urbanism
An approach to city planning that focuses on fostering European-style cities of dense settlements, attractive architecture, and housing of different types and prices within walking distance to shopping, restaurants, jobs, and public transportation
An area of degraded, seemingly temporary, inadequate, and often illegal housing
Edge city
A concentration of business, shopping, and entertainment that developed in the suburbs, outside of a city’s traditional downtown or central business district
Urban sprawl
The rapid development outward from the inner city
The practice of identifying high-risk neighborhoods on a city map and refusing to lend money to people who want to buy property in those neighborhoods
The process by which population density in an urban center is increased by building on waste land or underused land
Chain of interconnected cities
The process of subdivision of houses and occupancy by succesive waves of lower-income
Primate city
A city that is much larger than any other city in the country and that dominates the country’s economic, political, and cultural life
A city with more than 10 million residents
Meta city
A city with more than 20 million resident
Forward capital
a symbolically relocated capital city usually because of either economic or strategic reasons
A place with more than 100,000 residents that is not a core city in a metropolitan area; a large suburb with its own government
Informal economy *
economic activities that are not regulated or recognized by the government
Area located outside of towns and cities; all the space, population, and housing not included in an urban area
A zone of grassy, forested, or agricultural land separating urban areas
Central place
A settlement that makes certain types of products and services available to consumers
The movement of people from urban core areas to the surrounding outskirts of a city
A property whose use or development may be complicated by the potential presence of hazardous substances or pollutants
The movement of people from rural areas to cities
The area surrounding a city