Unit 4 Flashcards
The process by which the 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives are divided proportionately by population among the 50 states following every U.S. census
Stateless nation
An ethnic group or nation that does not possess its own state and is not the majority population in any nation-state
The process of drawing new boundaries for U.S. congressional districts to reflect the population changes since the previous U.S. census
Failed state
a state that is unable to perform the two fundamental functions of the sovereign nation-state in the modern world system
Autonomous region
A subdivision or dependent territory of a country that has a degree of self-government, or autonomy, in its decision making
government and grants little or no authority to its subnational units
Organic Theory
States are born and need living space and living space to survive
The set of economic and political strategies by which wealthy and powerful countries indirectly maintain or extend their influence over less wealthy areas
An independent country that disperses significant authority among subnational units
The act of forcefully controlling a foreign territory, which becomes known as a colony
Region of continuing and persistent fragmentation due to devolution and centrifugal forces
The political claim to territory in another country based on ethnic affiliations and historic borders
Heartland theory
Land based power is essential to achieving global domination
Multistate nation
a group of people who share a common identity , culture , and often history , but are dispersed across multiple countries or states
A force that threatens the cohesion of a neighborhood, society, or country
The motivating impulse to control greater amounts of territory
Satellite state
A nominally independent country that is politically, militarily, and economically controlled by a more powerful state
a country whose political boundaries correspond with its cultural boundaries
The movement of power from the central government to regional governments within the state
The manipulation of voting district boundaries to favor a particular political party, group, or election outcome
A force that brings people together and unifies a neighborhood, society, or country
A principle of international law that codifies an individual state’s right to control its political and economic affairs within the state’s boundaries without external interference
multinational state contains people that give primary allegiance to a group or nation smaller than the population of the entire state
Rimland theory
sea power is more valuable and that alliances will keep the heartland in check