unit 6 Flashcards
n. An anthem is a formal or religious song. Everyone sings the national anthem before the baseball game starts.
prep. Beyond is used to say that one thing is more than another. The job is beyond the man’s ability.
O determination
n. Determination is what you have when you try to do something even when it is difficult. Chris is the youngest competitor’ but he has the most determination.
n. Fighting is physical conflict between people or groups in a war’ in the street’ etc. Heavy fighting continued for days.
adj. When something is joint’ it is done by or involves two or more people or groups. Mike and Joanna are joint owners of a coffee shop.
n. A landing is when you return to the ground or another surface after a flight or a boat ride. The man is in charge of leading the landing in the warzone.
v. To mark is to celebrate an important event or time by doing something. My grandparents are having a party to mark their 50th anniversary.
v. To mobilize is to prepare an army to fight in a war. Thousands of soldiers were ready to mobilize for the fight.
n. A nation is a large area of land that is controlled by its own government. India is a nation that is developing rapidly.
adv. Originally is used in place of “in the beginning” or “when something first happened or began.” This building was originally a bank.
n. An outbreak is a sudden start or increase of fighting or disease. The scientists prepared for an outbreak of a dangerous virus.
v. To pray is to speak to God in order to ask for help or to give thanks. The girl likes to pray for world peace.
n. A prisoner is someone who is taken by force and kept somewhere. He has been a prisoner for many years.
v. To sacrifice is to give up something in order to get something you want or do something else for someone. Karen has had to sacrifice a lot for her children.
n. Silence is the complete absence of sound or noise. I can only sleep in complete silence.
adv. Thus is used in place of “as a result of something that was just mentioned.” Victor wants to lose weight; thus’ he’ll go on a diet and start exercising.
n. A tribute is something that you say’ do’ or give in order to express respect for someone. In some countries’ people wear poppies as a tribute to veterans.
n. A victory is a situation in which you win a battle’ game’ election’ or dispute. The man was thrilled with his victory.
adv. To be wild is to be without control. Dandelions grow wild in the cracks of the streets.
v. To wound is to injure someone or something by cutting or breaking the skin. The boy knew he might wound his knees if he didn’t wear pads on them.