unit 23 Flashcards
n. An artery is a tube that takes blood from the heart to the rest of the body. Eating healthily keeps your arteries clean so blood can flow with ease.
n. Deterioration is the act of becoming worse. The lack of care led to the deterioration of the house.
adj. If things or people are elusive’ they are hard to find. The elusive fish only came out at night.
v. When you ensure something’ you make sure it happens. Saving now will ensure we have enough money for our retirement.
v. To induce something means to make it happen. Running without good shoes may induce leg pain.
adj. If two things are inseparable’ they can’t be separated. Denise and Diana have been inseparable since they first met.
adj. If something is invalid’ it is not correct. The way to winning debates is to avoid invalid arguments.
v. To magnify something means to make it look bigger than it really is. Astronomers use telescopes to magnify faraway stars.
n. The mainstream is what is considered normal and accepted by most people. Before punk rock music became part of the mainstream’ only a few people liked it.
n. A microbe is a very small living thing that often makes people sick. The first step in curing a disease is finding the microbe that causes it.
adj. A minor problem is a very small and unimportant problem. This is a minor problem.
adj. If something is negligible’ it is extremely small and not important. The amount she owed was negligible. It was less than ten cents.
n. Paralysis is the loss of the ability to move all or part of your body. His paralysis meant that he had to use a wheelchair to get around.
n. A pest is an animal or insect that hurts plants or food. Many farmers put up scarecrows to keep pests off their corn.
v. To prevail means to be accepted or very common. Unfortunately’ injustice still prevails in the country’s court system.