unit 1 Flashcards
adj. When someone is accountable’ he or she is responsible for the effects of his or her actions. Political leaders are accountable to the people they represent.
adj. If something is addictive’ it is hard to stop doing. I think this game is very addictive.
n. An agenda is a plan or goal that guides someone’s behavior. The man is pushing his questionable agenda on his colleagues.
v. To coin is to create a new word or phrase that other people begin to use. The coach coined the phrase’ “There is no ‘l’ in team.””
v. To correlate is to have a close connection to something. Scientists believe that brain size might correlate with intelligence.
n. Depression is a medical condition that makes a person very unhappy for long periods of time. Ron decided to get help for his depression.
adj. When something is digital’ it is characterized by computer technology. Students prefer to take notes on their laptops and other digital devices.
n. Importance is the quality or state of being important’ valuable’ or significant. The professor lectured the students on the importance of communication strategies.
? keyboard
n. A keyboard has buttons marked with letters and numbers that are pressed to put information into a computer. Paul spilled coffee all over his keyboard.
n. Loneliness is the unhappiness that is felt by someone if they do not have any friends. Many people join social clubs to escape loneliness.
n. Media is the different ways of entertaining and giving information to the public. Many people like to express their opinions online using social media.
n. A platform is something that allows someone to tell a large number of people about an idea’ product’ etc. The band uses their music as a platform to express their political beliefs.
adj. When something is poor’ it is not as good as it could or should be. The condition of the sidewalk is very poor.
? presence
n. Presence is when someone or something is present in a particular place. The researcher discovered the presence of bacteria in the water sample.