Unit 6 Flashcards
A debt security issues by a municipal authority to raise funds for new construction with the understanding that the finished structure will be rented to the authority and the rental payments will finance the bond payments
Lease rental bond
An attorney retained by a municipal issuer to give an opinion concerning the legality and tax exempt status of a municipal issue
Bond counsel
A short term municipal or government debt security to be paid off from future tax receipts
TAN (Tax Anticipation Note)
A municipal security backed by the full faith and credit of the issuing municipality as well as by pledged revenues
Taxed twice
Double barreled bonds
A self regulatory organization that adopts rules with regard to the unique municipal bond market covering professional qualifications, fair practices, uniform practice and market transparency and places administrative burdens on brokers and dealers
Municipal securities rule making board
An offer from a broker dealer to buy or sell securities
It indicates a willingness to execute a trade under the terms and conditions accompanying the quote
Bona Fide quote
The price at which a municipal securities dealer is willing to purchase securities from another municipal dealer. The price may be revised if market conditions change
Workable indication
A series quotation subject to some condition requiring confirmation by the dealer
Subject quote
Tax equivalent yield calculation
Nominal yield ➗ 1 - fed tax income rate
A municipal issuers proportionate share of the debt of other local governmental units that overlap it geographically, either in whole or in part
Overlapping debt
Tax free municipal equivalent calculation (corporate vs. tax free municipal)
Corporate X (100% - tax bracket)
A short term municipal debt security issues in anticipation of revenue to be received
RAN (revenue anticipation note)
A short term municipal debt security to be paid from the proceeds of long term debt when it is issued
BAN (bond anticipation note)
A term used to describe municipal entities that share the same boundaries.
Ex: a school district and fire district may issue debt separately although the debt is backed by revenues from the same tax payers
The statement of a bond attorney affirming the validity of a new municipal bond issue but expressing reservations about its quality
Qualified legal opinion
The statement of a bond counsel affirming the compliance of a new municipal bond issue with municipal statutes and tax regulations and expressing no reservations about its validity
Unqualified legal opinion
- A municipal securities broker acting as an agent or risk less principal in the purchase or sale of securities for broker dealers, sophisticated municipal securities professionals and institutions when those market participants are seeking liquidity or to adjust an inventory position
- A designated market maker executing orders for a commission house broker or another brokerage firm
- A floor broker on an exchange or a broker dealer in the over the counter market executing a trade as an agent for another broker
Brokers broker
A municipal issue that trades without a written legal opinion of counsel from a bond attorney
Must be designated at time of trade
Ex legal
Municipal revenue bonds that are quoted and traded on a basis of dollars rather than yield to maturity
Ex: term bonds
Dollar bonds