Unit 5.3 Wetlands and the Carbon Cycle [#] Flashcards
Outline how inundation leads to the unique characteristics of a wetland soil.
Wetland soils are defined in the International Soil Classification system as hybrid soils: ‘soils that formed under conditions of saturation, flooding or pounding long enough during the growing season to develop anaerobic conditions in the upper part’.
In organic soils (those containing at least 20% organic carbon) the decomposition rate is limited by the absence of oxygen, allowing this organic matter to build up in peatlands.
Wetland mineral soils are often distinguished from non-wetland mineral soils by the presence of characteristic features associated with inundation by water. These features include gleying or mottling.
In the absence of oxygen, soil organisms are forced to use oxidising agents other than O2, including NO3, SO4, long-chain organic molecules, and CO2. The organic carbon is cycled through a chain of microbial and chemical transformations, and reduced products such as nitrous oxide (N2O), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), ethanoic acid and methane (NH4) are formed.
Using your own words, define ‘wetland’.
A wetland is an ecosystem that arises when inundation by water produces soils dominated by anaerobic processes and forces the biogas particularly rooted plants, to tolerate flooding.
Describe gleying of hydric soils.
Gleying: bluish-grey clay-rich patches which may occur in a distinct horizon.
Gleying indicates the loss of more oxidised forms of iron, Fe(III), and manganese, Mn(IV) or Mn(III), which together give soil its typical red-brown colour. The more reduced forms of these metals (Fe2+ and Mn2+) generally form soluble compounds, and either leach out of the soil, leaving behind the natural colour of the parent material, or remain in the soil, leaving a characteristic blue-grey colour. Thus the colour of a gleyed horizon can derive from either the colour of reduced ions remaining in the soil, or the colour of the uncoated sand and silt particles from which iron and manganese have been removed.
Describe mottling of hydric soils.
Mineral wetland soils may also show mottling: discrete areas of gleying occurring together in the soil profile with areas of red-brown oxidised soil. Mottling indicates that oxidising and reducing conditions have occurred intermittently, corresponding with periods of unsaturated and saturated conditions.
Describe the overall adaptations of wetland biota to the major stresses of toxic compounds.
Some of the oxygen released to roots of plants may ‘leak’ out of the roots into the surrounding soil, producing local aerobic zones. Reduced compounds that build up in the wetland soils may be oxidised in these areas, effectively detoxifying them.
Some plants may accumulate and isolate toxic compounds in areas such as vacuoles, vascular support tissue or even senescing cells or tissues. Thus locked away, the compounds do not influence the metabolism of healthy cells and tissues.
Some wetland plants can biochemically convert dissolved forms of toxic compounds into gaseous forms that then diffuse out of the plant.
Describe the overall adaptations of wetland biota to the major stresses of salinity.
- some cells, particularly close to the root-water interface, maintain high osmotic concentrations
- active pumping of salt out of cells
- developing resistant ‘barrier cells’ in areas such as the cortex where water passes through, thus preventing diffusion of salt into other cells
- active excreting of salt through leaves or roots
- enhanced physiological tolerance to high salt levels
Describe the overall adaptations of wetland biota to the major stresses of nutrient limitations.
- thick leaves and woody stems, which reduce any leaching of nutrients out of the vegetation
- evergreenness, which reduces the loss of nutrients in shed leaves
- high root biomass and deep rooting to access a greater area of potential nutrients
- nutrient translocation, to move valuable nutrients into parts of the plant that are not shed in autumn or are not at high risk of being eaten, such as stems and roots
- ‘plasticity’ in nitrogen use: the ability to use different nitrogen species, including NO3, NH4 and perhaps organic nitrogen
- nitrogen-fixing bacteria on roots, which increase levels of nitrogen available to the plant
Describe the overall adaptations of wetland biota to the major stresses of oxygen limitation.
Anaerobic bacteria are among the oldest life forms, having evolved when the atmosphere contained little oxygen.
Aerenchyma are tissues which contain air spaces, found in the cortex of stems and roots. These allow oxygen to diffuse from the stem into the roots (which would otherwise depend on oxygen dissolved in soil solution).
Aquatic animals may have physiological adaptations, such as mechanisms to increase the efficiency of oxygen collection, or reduced oxygen demand of tissues and organs.
Aquatic animals may also display behavioural adaptations, such as migration or going into a low-activity dormant phase when conditions are harsh.
As seeds and seedlings are especially vulnerable to O2 levels, plants may time seed production with low water levels. Many mangroves produce small ‘plantlets’, complete with leaves and tiny roots instead of seeds, giving the progeny a head start in establishing themselves.
Explain what is meant by a ‘perched’ wetland.
Accumulated organic matter in these wetlands can serve as a kind of plug, impending downward percolation of water and creating a ‘local water-table’ above the regional water-table.
Water flow in perched wetlands can be very slow.
Explain how the amount of water (especially the height of the water table above or below the surface) affects the chemistry and biology of wetlands.
In wetlands, the level of the water table roughly marks the transition between an oxygen-rich environment and an oxygen-depleted environment.
Explain the differences between bogs and fens.
Both bogs and fens are peatlands.
- Bogs are isolated from groundwater and receive little throughflow water; their main source of water is precipitation. Bogs have low pH, low nutrients and relatively low species diversity.
- Fens receive a significant proportion of groundwater or throughflow water, but not so much that the accumulation of peat is prevented. The inputs of nutrients and basic cations from water flowing through fens leads to a higher pH and greater overall nutrient levels than in bogs. Consequently species diversity in fens is usually higher.
Explain how the rate of flow of water can affect the chemistry and biology of wetlands.
Since external sources of water are often fully oxygenated, rapidly flowing water can allow oxygen to reach plant roots and often permeate deep into wetland soils.
Flowing water can also flush out the products of anaerobic decomposition, which can build up to toxic levels.
Explain how the water quality can affect the chemistry and biology of wetlands.
In addition to oxygen, water flowing through wetland soils can carry dissolved organic carbon and organic nitrogen, major ions such as calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), potassium (K+), sodium (Na+), nitrate (NO3/-) and sulfate (SO4/2-), and more complex organic compounds. Many of these ‘dissolved solids’ are important plant nutrients, and different sources of water typically contain different concentrations of dissolved material.
- precipitation generally has low levels of dissolved solids, with a relatively low pH (usually around 5 or 6)…
- because groundwater and throughflow water generally are richer in basic cations and nutrients than is precipitation, plant productivity is generally higher in wetlands receiving a high proportion of subsurface flow…
- throughflow or groundwater that passes through soils affected by human activities can also, however, bring an excess of nutrients, pesticides and herbicides, or trace metal that may potentially be toxic to wetland biota. Water flowing through estuaries also brings salts that wetland biota must be adapted to in order to survive…
Describe how the British NVC classification system and the North American classification systems differ with regard to wetlands.
Confusingly, the British scheme uses the same terms as other classifications, such as ‘swamp’, to mean something quite different. In the North American system a ‘swamp’ denotes a woodland, whereas in Britain it is a marsh community without trees!
North American ‘bog’: mire (M), which are nutrient poor, with the water source usually dominated by precipitation, and vegetation often dominated by Sphagnum mosses.
N. A. ‘marsh’ and ‘fen’: swamp (S), which have some water from throughflow or groundwater and so are richer in nutrients than mires.
N. A. ‘swamp’: wet woodland (W1 - W7) of alder, willow and poplar.
Give the three major classifications of wetlands and describe the differences between them based on their hydrology, vegetation and soils.
North American classification.
Peatland: wetlands that accumulate significant amounts of partially decayed plant material, or peat. Peat formation requires significant organic matter production, in excess of decomposition, and restricted or impeded drainage,which limits the removal of dissolved or particulate carbon. [bogs and fens]
Marshes: a wetland community that is dominated by non-woody, vascular plants, and does not show a deep accumulation of peat. Marshes are characterised by a significant flow of subsurface water and often have some contact with the regional groundwater-table. This often leads to a rich nutrient status. [freshwater, saltwater]
Swamps: wetland communities that are dominated by trees, with waterlogged but generally non-peaty soils. They are often flooded, sometimes deeply and for long periods, although most swamps show alternating periods of flooded and non-flooded conditions. [freshwater, salt water including mangroves]