Unit 4.1 Landforms Flashcards
Explain how sea level relates to the boundary between oceanic and continental crust.
The boundary lies below sea level, at the continental rise.
The continental shelves, which account for about 25% of continental crust, lies below sea level.
Describe how the Earth’s surface is distributed among altitudes.
The majority of the Earth’s surface lies in two bands of altitude:
- 4 to 5km below sea level: abyssal plains
- just below to 1km above sea level: continents and continental shelves
Give the two internal sources of energy for geological processes.
- primordial heat, which remains from the time the Earth formed
- radioactive decay of elements such as thorium, potassium and uranium
Give the layers of the Earth described by composition.
- inner core: solid, iron with 20% nickel
- outer core: liquid, iron with 5-15% other
- mantle: solid, silicates including peridotite
- crust: solid, silicates but less dense than mantle
Give the layers of the Earth by mechanical properties.
- lithosphere: solid, comprising the crust and the upper mantle
- asthenosphere: weak, and acts as a liquid over long time periods, comprising the remainder of the mantle
The lithosphere is less dense than the asthenosphere, and so floats above it.
Describe the difference between oceanic and continental crusts.
Oceanic: denser, formed of basalt, thinner (7km), younger (to 180ma)
Continental: formed of various rocks with a mean density lower than basalt, 20-80km thick, more complex structurally
Explain the process of sea-floor spreading.
Divergent plate motion draws the asthenosphere upwards towards the plate boundary. As it rises the asthenosphere begins to melt, forming basaltic magma that creates new oceanic crust. The asthenosphere mantle cools as it approaches the surface and adheres to the plates on either side of the boundary, becoming part of their lithosphere.
This newly formed lithosphere is still relatively warm, making it slightly less dense and thus more buoyant than the older and cooler lithosphere that has been displaced further from the boundary. Divergent plate boundaries are therefore marked by elevated ridges on the ocean floor.
Give the three types of convergent boundaries, and the factor which determines each type.
Convergence of oceanic and continental crust leads to the subduction of the denser oceanic crust. The point at which this plate turns downwards is marked by a trench. Magma rises from the subduction zone, creating volcanoes on the continental plate. E.g. the Andes.
Convergence of two oceanic plates sees the older (and therefore denser) oceanic crust subducted beneath the other. As above, magma rises to form volcanoes on the overriding plate, which in this case leads to an arc of volcanic islands. E.g. Japan.
Convergence between two continental plates leads to orogenesis, as the plates crumple and thicken, as neither can be E.g. Himalayas.
Give the life cycle of an ocean.
A young ocean has only a divergent margin, e.g. the North Atlantic.
As it ages, the oceanic crust will cool and become more dense, until it is too dense to float above the asthenosphere, and a subduction zone forms.
If the rate of subduction is greater than divergence, the two boundaries will move together, and the divergent margin will become subducted.
Lacking a divergent margin, the oceanic crust will shrink and be destroyed as the continents either side of it collide.
This process lasts about 400-500 million years.
Give the three types of plate boundary.
- divergent boundary
- convergent boundary
- transform fault boundary
Explain how landforms are dynamic features dependent on uplift, denudation and subsidence.
Mountains are created as two continental plates collide, and both are crumpled, leading to uplift.
However, uplift is counted by two processes:
- denudation: weathering and transport of materials away
- subsidence: the thicker and heavier crust sinks slightly
Why do tectonic plates move?
- the lithosphere floats on the asthenosphere because it is less dense
- density of oceanic crust is linked to heat, which in turn is linked with age: warmer crust is less dense, but crust cools with age
- as oceanic lithosphere cools, it becomes too dense to be supported by the asthenosphere, and so sinks/subducts, pulling the rest of the plate with it
(- subduction must be balanced by divergence, as the Earth does not shrink of grow)
Explain how landforms are manifestations of processes in an environment and therefore, constitute a valuable and interpretable record of prevalent conditions.
Within the landform system, inputs and outputs are provided for by deposition and erosion, both of which are strongly linked to environmental conditions:
- weathering agents: physical, chemical or biological
- entrainment energy
- transport mediums: water, ice or wind
- depositional patterns
Describe how landforms are systems that involve the input and output of materials.
Landforms can be viewed as systems in which material is moved: tectonic activity raises part of the surface, which is worn down by gravity, wind, water and ice; the resultant debris is transported to lower levels.
Within the landform system, initial input of material comes from tectonic uplift. Subsequent inputs and outputs are provided for by deposition and erosion, which remove material from one part and put it in another.
List the different sources of energy for material transfer.
- internal heat from the Earth drives the tectonic activity which raises rocks, and imbues them with potential energy
- radiation from the Sun drives precipitation and wind which erodes rocks
- the gravitational pull of the Moon drives tides which erode along coastlines
Give the four steps of erosion.
- detatchment of fragments through physical, chemical and biological weathering
- entrainment: the process that lifts particles off the surface and sets them in motion
- transport through solution, suspension, saltation (series of jumps) or traction
- deposition of material as conditions change
These stages occur at different fluid / wind speeds, due to the differing relative energy requirements. This is shown in a Hjulstrom diagram.
Explain the role of geology in producing landforms.
Structural landforms are those controlled by the geology of the bedrock: folds and faults. For example, the East African Rift Valley is formed by a horst and graben structure.
Igneous landscapes result from intrusive or extrusive igneous activity: volcanoes, lava plateaux, bosses and tors, or intrusions which become exposed through the weathering of surrounding materials.
Identify that specific landscapes can result in distinct landforms.
E.g. Tors in south west England caused by underlying igneous landforms.
E.g. rocky and barren Karst landscapes, formed where limestone is well drained and precipitation is heavy.