Unit 5 - Vocab Flashcards
le bras
the arm
le dos
the back
le sang
the blood
le cerveau
the brain
la poitrine
the chest
the ear
the eye
les yeux
the eyes
le visage
the face
les ongles
the fingernails
le pied
the foot
le front
the forehead
les poils
the hair (on body)
les cheveux
the hair (on head)
la main
the hand
la tête
the head
la coeur
the heart
le genou
the knee
la jambe
the leg
les lèvres
the lips
la bouche
the mouth
le cou
the neck
le nez
the nose
the shoulder
la peau
the skin
the stomach
les dents
the teeth
la langue
the tongue
se brosser les dents
to brush one’s teeth
se peigner -
to comb one’s hair
se faire couper les cheuveux
to cut one’s hair
se sécher
to dry oneself
to fall asleep
to get dressed
se preparer -
to get prepared / ready
se lever
to get up
se coucher
to go to bed
se maquiller
to put on makeup
se raser
to shave
to sit down
prendre un bain
to take a bath
se doucher
to take a shower
se déshabiller
to take of one’s clothes
to try on
se réveiller
to wake up
se laver les mains
to wash one’s hands