Unit - 3 accents Flashcards
a/ accent aigu ´ (acute accent)
only used in e like étudiant.
b/ accent grave ` (grave accent)
letters a, e and u. Sometimes used to distinguish words that sound the same, but have different meanings. (called homographs) .
c/ accent circonflexe ^ (circumflex)
found on letters a, e, i, o, u. Usually means that a long time ago, an “s” used to follow the letter. For example: hôpital (hospital). Can also help distinguish between homographs.
d/ tréma ¨ (umlaut)
is found on e, i and u. used when 2 vowels follow each other but say their own sound. Example: Noël (Christmas).
e/ cédille ç (cedilla)
only used under the letter c (ç) as in français. Changes “c” into a soft sound. only used on a “c” placed before an a, u or o, as in garçon.