Unit 4 - Home Vocab Flashcards
la salle de bains
the bathroom
the wardrobe
le fauteuil
the armchair
la selle à manger
the dining room
le garage
the garage
la cuisine
the kitchen
le salon
the living room
la chambre
the bedroom
la chaise
the chair
le sofa
the couch
le séchoir
the hair dryer
le bureau
the desk
la placard
the closet, cupboard
le miroir
the mirror
la table
the table
le téléphone
the telephone
la télévision
the television
le bain
the bath
la bagnoire
the bathtub
la brosse
the brush
le peigne
the comb
le lave-vaisselle
the dishwasher
la sèche-linge
the dryer
la douche
the shower
le savon
the soap
le papier toilette
the toilet paper
la brosse à dents
the toothbrush
le dentifrice
the toothpaste
la machine à laver
the washing machine
se laver
to wash oneself
to wash
to clean
to cook
to dry
plier le linge
to fold the laundry
to iron
to pick up
sortie la poubelle
to take out the garbage
to throw away
to wash
se sécher les cheveux
to blow-dry one’s hair
se brosser les dents
to brush one’s teeth
se maquiller
to put make-up on
se raser
to shave
se doucher
to shower
se baigner
to take a bath