Unit 5: Stereotypes, Prejudice, and Discrimination Flashcards
Define discrimination.
Descrimination describes negative behaviour directed against persons because of their membership in a particular group.
Define stereotype.
A stereotype is a belief or association that links a whole group of people with certain traits of characteristics.
Define prejudice.
Prejudice refers to negative feelings toward people based on their membership in certain groups.
Describe the process by which stereotypes are formed.
- Socialization (parents and peers)
- Media
- Culture
What is social categorization?
Social categorization refers to the classification of individuals into groups on the basis of common attributes.
What are the advantages of social categorization?
- provides us with information about the characteristics of people who belong to certain groups
- it is quick
- makes life easier because we reduce the complexity of reality when we rely on stereotypes
What are the disadvantages of social categorization?
- tendency to view members of outgroups are more similar to each other than members from ingroups which perpetuates the use of stereotypes because judgments about individuals are made based on outgroup membership(s) rather than their unique individual characteristics
- tendency to overestimate differences between groups
What are in-groups?
Ingroups are groups with which an individual feels a sense of membership, belonging, and identity.
What are out-groups?
Outgroups are groups with which an individual does not feel a sense of membership, belonging, or identity.
How are in-group members perceived differently from out-group members?
Individuals tend to favour members of their ingroup over members of the outgroup. Additionally, negative stereotypes of outgroups can help justify the desire to exclude outgroups. In turn, these stereotypes can further promote prejudice and discrimination.
What is the outgroup homogeneity effect?
The tendency to assume that there is greater similarity among members of outgroups than among members of ingroups.
What is illusory correlation?
An overestimate of the association between variables that are only slightly or not at all correlated. This happens through two processes: 1) people overestimate the association between variables that are distinctive which then leads them to overestimate the joint occurrence of distinctive variables, and 2) people overestimate the association between variables that they already expect to occur together.
The implication for perpetuating stereotypes is that people overestimate that stereotypes behaviours will go with stereotyped groups.
What are attributional processes?
How perceivers explain the causes of other people’s behaviour. People are more likely to attribute situational factors when they see a person from a certain group contradict a stereotype. When a stereotype is confirmed, observers are more likely to see it as evidence supporting the stereotype rather than recognizing situational factors.
What is subtyping?
When people create a subtype within a group for members who contradict a stereotype so that the existing stereotype for the group in general can remain intact. This makes it possible for stereotypes to persist in the face of multiple sources of disconfirmatory evidence.
What is confirmatory bias?
The effect of stereotypes on individuals’ perceptions and their tendency to interpret, seek, and create information that seems to confirm their expectations. Stereotypes of groups influence observers’ perceptions and interpretations of the behaviours of group members.