Unit 5 Procedure E Flashcards
Origin: temporal- temporal fossa
Insertion: mandible- coronoid process
Action: elevate mandible
Origin: temporal- zygomatic process
Insertion: mandible- angle & ramus
Action: elevate mandible
Origin: sternum- manubrium; clavicle- medial part
Insertion: temporal- mastoid process
Action: rotate and flex forward head
Pectoralis major
Origin: clavicle; sternum; ribs(first 6)
Insertion: humerus- inter tubercular groove
Action: adduct and medially rotate arm
Serratus anterior
Origin: ribs(first 8-9)- lateral part
Insertion: scapula- vertebral border, anterior surface
Action: move forward scapula
Origin: clavicle- lateral third; scapula- acromion process and spine
Insertion: humerus- deltoid tuberosity
Action: abduct arm
External intercostals
Origin: ribs- inferior border
Insertion: ribs- superior border
Action: elevate ribs
Internal intercostals
Origin: ribs- inferior border
Insertion: ribs- superior border
Action: lower ribs
React us abdominis
Origin: pubis- pubic crest
Insertion: ribs(5-7); sternum- diploid process
Action: vertebral column flex
External oblique
Origin: ribs(last 8)- anterior surface
Insertion: ilium- iliac crest; pubis- pubic crest; linea alba
Action: flex vertebral column
Internal oblique
Origin: ilium- iliac crest; lymbodorsal fascia
Insertion: pubis- pubic crest; ribs(last 3); linea alba
Action: flex vertebral column
Transversus abdominis
Origin: ilium- iliac crest; lumbodorsal fascia
Insertion: pubis- pubic crest; linea alba
Action: compress abdomen
Origin: occipital; vertebrae(c7, all thoracic)- spinous processes
Insertion: scapula- acromion process and spine; clavicle
Action: extend head, adduct scapula
Latissimus dorsi
Origin: vertebrae(last 6 thoracic, all lumbar)- spinous processes; ilium- iliac crest
Insertion: humerous- inter tubercular groove
Action: extend, medially rotate, adduct arm
Triceps brachii
Origin: scapula- glenoid fossa, inferior edge(long head); humerus- proximal, lateral surface(lateral head); humerus- posterior surface(medial head)
Insertion: ulna- olecranon process
Action: extend forearm
Biceps brachii
Origin: scapula- coracoid process(short head); scapula- superior edge of glenoid fossa(long head)
Insertion: radius- radial tuberosity
Action: flex arm and forearm; supinate hand
Origin: humerus lateral ridge at distal end
Insertion: radius- styloid process
Action: flex forearm
Origin: humerus- anterior surface, distal half
Insertion: ulna- coronoid process
Action: flex forearm
Gluteus Maximus
Origin: ilium- posterior, outer surface; sacrum- posterior surface; coccyx- posterior surface
Insertion: femur- gluteal tuberosity
Action: extend and laterally rotate thigh
Gluteus medius
Origin: ilium- outer surface
Insertion: femur- greater trochanter
Action: abduct and medially rotate thigh
Tensor fascia lata
Origin: ilium- anterior surface of iliac crest near anterior superior iliac spine
Insertion: fascia lata(broad fascia) fascia enclosing all the muscles of the thigh attaches to the gluteal tuberosity of the femur
Action: flex, abduct, and medially rotate thigh
Origin: pubis- inferior ramus
Insertion: tibia- medial surface of head
Action: adduct thigh; flex and medially rotate leg
Origin: ilium- anterior superior iliac spine
Insertion: tibia- medial aspect of proximal end
Action: flex and laterally rotate thigh, flex leg
Biceps femoris
Origin: ischium- ischial tuberosity(long head); femur- posterior surface of shaft(short head)
Insertion: fibula- head
Action: extend and adduct hip; laterally rotate thigh; flex leg
Origin: ischium- ischial tuberosity
Insertion: tibia- medial shaft
Action: extend thigh; flex leg
Origin: ischium- ischial tuberosity
Insertion: tibia- medial condyle
Action: extend thigh; flex leg
Rectus femoris
Origin: ilium- anterior inferior iliac spine and superior edge of acetabulum
Insertion: tibia- tibial tuberosity
Action: extend leg; flex thigh
Vastus lateralis
Origin: femur- proximal shaft below greater trochanter, and linea aspera
Insertion: tibia- tibial tuberosity
Action: extend leg
Vastus medialis
Origin: femur- linea aspera
Insertion: tibia- tibial tuberosity
Action: extend leg
Origin: femur- medial and lateral condyles
Insertion: calcaneus- via Achilles tendon
Action: flex leg; plantarflex foot
Origin: tibia- proximal; fibula- proximal
Insertion: calcaneus- via Achilles’ tendon
Action: plantarflex foot
Tibialis anterior
Origin: tibia- upper 2/3, lateral condyle
Insertion: tarsal; metatarsal
Action: dorsiflex foot