Unit 5: Personality Flashcards
questionnaire used in universities and businesses for personnel selection and research
16 personality factor questionnaire
drive of individual to reach the biological potential or blueprint
actualizing tendency
Freud, psychosexual stage of development; age: 18 months-3 years; focus: anus-retention/expulsion of species; task: to successfully learned toilet training; conflict: id derives pleasure from retention/expulsion
anal stage
Jung; female archetype as expressed in a man; masculine side of a woman
male archetype as expressed in a woman; feminine side of a man
powerful motivating force; individuals reaction to real/imagine dangers
type of trait theory; five basic traits: extroversion (where you draw energy from), conscientiousness (dependability), agree ability (how you get along with others), emotional stability (self-explanatory), openness (culture, new experiences)
big five
behavior is a product of the interaction of cognitive (thinking), learning, and past experiences; unique to each person
cognitive-social learning theory
memories/behavior patterns inherited from past generations; shared by all humans
collective unconscious
a person’s effort to overcome imagined or real personal weakness
part of the personality that mediates between the selfishness of the id and the conscientiousness of the superego
aspect used in MBTI; Jung; one of two general attitude types; taken at the interest in the world and events around them, turn attention toward external world; energy is gained from outside or external sources; everyone contains both, one is dominant (extro-, introvert)
Freudian; partial or complete halt at one of the psychosexual stages of development; when individual fails to complete the psychosexual task successfully; can be expressed as personality traits
Freud, psychosexual stage of development; age: 12+; focus: genitals; task: intimate and sexual relationships; conflict: if fixated in previous stages, it may reappear
genital stage
Freudian; unconscious urges and desires; selfish needs; operates on pleasure principle-any means to satisfy need; which fulfillment-mental object/situation to relieve the feeling
aspect used in MBTI; Jung; one of two general attitude types; caught up in personal world, unsociable, lack confidence in dealing with people; energy is gained from within self, long exposure to people is draining; one is dominant (extro-, introvert)
Freud, psychosexual stage of development; age: 6-12; sexual drive lies dormant, focuses on social nature and development of friendships, seen as period of repression (as sexual drives), all libido energy is poured into school and sports
Latency period
Oedipus/Electra complex
Freud, conflict of psychosexual stages; phallic stage, ages 3-6; consists of a transition in the phallic stage; child competes the same-sex parent were opposite gender parent’s attention; can manifest in later personality-male: castration anxiety, dominant, tries to prove self, marries “mom”; female: penis envy, submissive, dates older men (like dad)
Freud, psychosexual stage of development; age: 0-18 months; focus: oral cavity; task: transition from bottle/breast to solid food; conflict: id derives pleasure from sucking/excepting into mouth; if child fails to complete tasks, (s)he becomes fixated; fixations-underindulged oral-suspicious, sarcastic, pessimistic, trust issues; overindulged oral-clingy, optimistic, gullible, needy
oral stage
individual’s unique patterns of thought, feelings, and behavior that persist over time; unique, stable, enduring
Freud, psychosexual stage of development; age: 3-6 years; focus: genitals; task: Explorer genital region, develop a relationship with parents, especially same gender parent; conflict: Oedipus/Electra complex-child competes with same-sex parents were opposite sex parent’s attention; fixations-male-Castration Anxiety-because father possesses mother and therefore has power, dad “castrates” sign (removes power), must prove self, dominant, marries mother figure; female-penis envy-according to Freud penis equals power, submissive, dates older men
phallic stage
Freud; id process by which the id seeks immediate gratification by any means necessary to receive pleasure and avoid pain; done in two ways-which fulfillment (day dream/dreams), ego processes
pleasure principal
Freud’s theory of personality and form of therapy; based on bringing the conscious unconscious; uses techniques such as free association, dream interpretation, and transference
super ego
Freud; “moral watchdog”; governs behavior by reality and morality, often taught by parents, church and/or community; standards develop through interaction; conscience; ego ideal
prominent in Freudian theory; ideas, thoughts, feelings of which we are not aware normally; basis of psychoanalysis