Unit 5 Nationalism to Sectionalism Vocabulary Flashcards
Unit 5 Nationalism to Sectionalism for US History
Unit 5 NS
Industrial Revolution
time when factory machines replaced hand tools and large scale manufacturing replaced farming as the main form of work.
Unit 5 NS
cottage industry
labor force is family units working at home with their own equipment.
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factory system
workers and machines together under one roof, producing goods.
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feeling of pride, loyalty and protectiveness toward one?s country.
Unit 5 NS
Henry Clay
representative from Kentucky who presented his plan, The American System, to make the US economically sufficient.
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loyalty to interests of your own region of the country.
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free enterprise
economic system where businesses have few restrictions and government has minimal interference.
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Jacksonian Democracy
idea of spreading political power to more people and ensuring majority rule.
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Spoils system
practice of giving government jobs to political supporters.
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Cherokee Indian who created a written alphabet for the Cherokee language.
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Indian Removal Act
called for treaties to be made with Native American tribes that would move them west.
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Indian Territory
area that covered OK, KS, and NB where Native Americans were moved.
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state?s right to reject a federal law if it is considered unfair.
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Tariff of Abomination
1828 tariff that was much higher than earlier tariffs and greatly angered the South.
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to withdraw from the union.
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increase in prices of goods and decrease in the value of money.
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a severe economic slump.
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Whig Party
political party that opposed too much power in the executive formed by Henry Clay, Daniel Webster and other Jackson opponents.
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Trail of Tears
tragic journey of the Cherokee from their homeland to Indian territory in 1838-39.
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Panic of 1837
widespread fear over the state of the economy.